Pelik, pelik, pelik, pelik...
Aku baru perasan rupa2nya aku ada habit of selalu lupa clear sink and kitchen area everytime after masak. Also, aku selalu lupa jemur baju lepas basuh, biar jek lama2 dlm washing machine sampai busuk. Heheh, this habit was very politely pointed out by my housemate on numerous occasions, sungguh embarassing. Wonder why? For some reason, dlm banyak2 benda aku nak buat hari tu mesti tertinggal 2 benda ni punya (sometimes I forget other things as well but dua nih always the main culprits). Not only on this occasion, even happened since years ago so it is a recurring habit (and an annoying one, because no one likes going home to a filthy kitchen or smelly laundry)
Teringat 4 tahun lalu, huh lama tuh, time aku tinggal kat Campus Lodge ngan Pin, Fuad dan Adnan (Great Housemates - rindu sungguh zaman tu). For some reason, all of us happen to practice the same habits. Kalau bangun pagi mesti ada jek sink tuh penuh ngan benda2 tak basuh / minyak masak / kitchen berlendir yg berminggu tak settle. Kadang2 aku basuhkan diorang nyer benda, kadang2 diorang basuh aku nyer benda. Either way, someone has to clean up. Why? Only reason I can think of was semua orang biasanya bangun lewat, rushing nak gi lecture, masak breakfast cepat2 and then lupa nak kemas balik. Repeat that routine for many many days, added by the fact that we're all laid back people (which is good since no one gets too fussy but no one could really be too bothered to get all emotional pasal isu2 nih).
Anyway, it got to a point so bad that sebab dah lama tak buang sampah (sebab asyik lewat bangun, rush brekky and tak kemas), pada suatu hari DAPUR AKU TIBA2 BERULAT!!!!! ARGHH!!!! WTF??? Tuhan saja yg boleh bayangkan betapa terkamjatnya aku bila balik rumah dari lecture uni, nampak benda2 kecik warna putih melompat2 atas carpet. First time tengok ingat habuk jek, sekali tengok dekat2, wah!!!!! Melompat aku!! Meloncat housemate! Huh, kalau warden Campus Lodge ada skali mau dia lompat paling tinggi sekali, mengalahkan Lee Kum Zee..Kelam kabut gak ah nak minimise the damage. Kitorang main belasah jek vakuum the whole carpet, termasuklah ulat2 tuh, huh like a nightmare come true. Pas tu bila menatang2 tuh dah berkumpul dlm bag vakum, only god knows how it stank, and we had to put all sorts of sprays /perfume to neutralise the odour. Daripada full time student, tetiba menjadi full time cleaner, flexible tak flexiblenya kitorang. Tak cite pun selama nih sebab takde sapa really minat sgt nak dgr pasal isu2 rumah nih, semua org ada problem masing2. Skang dah ada blog aku boleh ah berceloteh sorang2 in my virtual world :)
That was then. Now, I'm definitely much more responsible than that (Or so I think, we always try improve everyday don't we?). Old habits die hard though, and they do rear its ugly head up every now and then. Aku tak sedar pun some of them still remain until of late, so I'll need to address this problem quickly and effectively.
Aku perasan kalau aku bangun lambat (kalau dah ngantuk tu, kol 7.30 pagi pun tersengguk lagi nak bangun, another area for improvement) aku akan rushing nak gi keje pagi2, so prepare breakfast cepat2 and lupa simpan balik benda2 tuh. Kitchen lak, sebab aku sejak dulu memang selalu lupa nak lap stove pun lepas masak, so habit tuh mmg still remain. Finally, laundry tuh selalu lambat jemur sebab I tend to wash them at night (lepas balik keje) and then malas nak jemur waktu malam, sejuk dan basah. Unfortunately, bila bangun lambat (again!) waktu pagi mmg confirm ah tak sempat jemur apa2 langsung. Result? A pile of something that smells like rotten eggs. Not cool.
Solving it? Think I got it now, just needed to think aloud for a bit. First, bangun awal skit so got more time to prep brekky and clean up. Around 7 maybe, iisssshhhhh susahnya!!!! Well, either that or no brekky at all, just bawak epal makan dlm keta je. Second, lepas masak and makan, immediately clean up the stove and sink. Finish everything in 1 hit. Finally, lepas basuh baju straight jemur. Sounds obvious, but funny how your habits make these simple steps feel like a mountain to climb.
Some wise man said, "Do something for 21 days and it becomes a habit". Islam ada mention something similar, but for 40 days. Either way, if I can do this everyday I'm sure it'll become heaps easier. So everyone, pls wish me luck and thanks for reading!!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Great strike Scholes, wonderful wonderful wonderful strike. Well done, MU!
Now come on Liverpool!!! Go Torrrreeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now come on Liverpool!!! Go Torrrreeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Joke of the Day
Jiran: Cik Aminah, thanks sebab pinjamkan saya casserole dish awak. Ni nak pulang balik ni.
Cik Aminah: Wah, siap isi ngan blueberry pie lagi!! Susahkan awak saja!!
Jiran: Takpe, takdehal.
Cik Aminah (kepada Cik Baba): Eee, you tak rasa dia sweet ke? Hari tu dia pinjam tupperware, dia isi kuih. Pas tu dia pinjam mangkuk tingkat dia isi dalca kambing pulak!! Everytime dia pinjam something, dia meeeesti isi balik ngan some stuff. Baik nya dia!!!!
Cik Baba (diam sejenak sambil menghisap rokok di tepi parit): Hmm, bagus juga kalau saya pinjamkan dia saya punya wallet..
Cik Aminah: Wah, siap isi ngan blueberry pie lagi!! Susahkan awak saja!!
Jiran: Takpe, takdehal.
Cik Aminah (kepada Cik Baba): Eee, you tak rasa dia sweet ke? Hari tu dia pinjam tupperware, dia isi kuih. Pas tu dia pinjam mangkuk tingkat dia isi dalca kambing pulak!! Everytime dia pinjam something, dia meeeesti isi balik ngan some stuff. Baik nya dia!!!!
Cik Baba (diam sejenak sambil menghisap rokok di tepi parit): Hmm, bagus juga kalau saya pinjamkan dia saya punya wallet..
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Go figure
E-B-E-G-E-G-B'-G-B'-E, E-B-E-G-E-G-B'-G-B'-E,
D-B-D-F#-D-F#-B'-F#-B'-D', D-B-D-F#-D-F#-B'-F#-B'-D',
C#-A-C#-E-C#-E-A'-E-A'-C#', C#-A-C#-E-C#-E-A'-E-A'-C#',
E-B-E-G-E-G-B'-G-B'-E, E-B-E-G-E-G-B'-G-B'-E,
D'-E'-E'-E', E'-D'-E'-E'-E', E'-D'-E'-E'-E', E'-D'-E'-E'-G'-E'-D'
D'-B'-B'-B', B'-D'-B'-B'-B, B'-D'-B'-B'-B, B'-D'-B'-B'-D'-E'-E'
E'-A'-A'-A', A'-E'-A'-A'-A', A'-E'-A'-A'-A', A'-E'-A'-A'-B'-A'-G
G-E-E-E, E-G-E-E-E, E-G-E-E-E, E-D'-E'-E'-D'-E'-E'-E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
D-B-D-F#-D-F#-B'-F#-B'-D', D-B-D-F#-D-F#-B'-F#-B'-D',
C#-A-C#-E-C#-E-A'-E-A'-C#', C#-A-C#-E-C#-E-A'-E-A'-C#',
E-B-E-G-E-G-B'-G-B'-E, E-B-E-G-E-G-B'-G-B'-E,
D'-E'-E'-E', E'-D'-E'-E'-E', E'-D'-E'-E'-E', E'-D'-E'-E'-G'-E'-D'
D'-B'-B'-B', B'-D'-B'-B'-B, B'-D'-B'-B'-B, B'-D'-B'-B'-D'-E'-E'
E'-A'-A'-A', A'-E'-A'-A'-A', A'-E'-A'-A'-A', A'-E'-A'-A'-B'-A'-G
G-E-E-E, E-G-E-E-E, E-G-E-E-E, E-D'-E'-E'-D'-E'-E'-E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who would've thought???
Bodoh!!! Hari ni tgh2 nak masak aku simpan la apple juice dlm fridge. Tak sangka rupa2nya dia punya cap tuh tak tutup betul, habis tumpah!! Argghhh!!!!!!! Habis setandan tisu aku kena guna nak lap lantai and fridge. What a waste of precious time. Ladies and gents, do not spill juice, especially sweet flavoured ones on the floor. Takes an eternity top clean them up, could've been so much better used for more productive activites, like eating, sleeping and watching tv. Bugger bugger bugger, that's all I can say.
Right, felt much better after pouring out my heartfelt passion and hatred for all the little annoying things that happen in life, on this blog. Ujian Tuhan, ujian jek tu..
By the way, went for massage this afternoon, knees and ankles playing up. Bit of soreness, hoping nothing serious, need to get it in good condition so I don't get severely injured like what happened to my friends. Once dah injured, biasanya area yg kena tuh dah tak kuat dah.. Should warmup, do stretchings and not commit too much except for games that matter.
Sok keje, baju seluar semua dah iron..Yes yes yes!! All 14 of them, tahan ah 3 minggu keje. Can get away with not doing so for a long time. Someone should invent a machine that when you put your clothes in, dia siap iron. Anyone who can do that is truly a genius and will definitely be my best friend! I'd even pay $1000 for it. Any takers??
Have a good week everybody!
Right, felt much better after pouring out my heartfelt passion and hatred for all the little annoying things that happen in life, on this blog. Ujian Tuhan, ujian jek tu..
By the way, went for massage this afternoon, knees and ankles playing up. Bit of soreness, hoping nothing serious, need to get it in good condition so I don't get severely injured like what happened to my friends. Once dah injured, biasanya area yg kena tuh dah tak kuat dah.. Should warmup, do stretchings and not commit too much except for games that matter.
Sok keje, baju seluar semua dah iron..Yes yes yes!! All 14 of them, tahan ah 3 minggu keje. Can get away with not doing so for a long time. Someone should invent a machine that when you put your clothes in, dia siap iron. Anyone who can do that is truly a genius and will definitely be my best friend! I'd even pay $1000 for it. Any takers??
Have a good week everybody!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Hello again!!
Right, been a while since I updated this. Apa cite Ans? Sama jek..Occupied with work, study and housekeeping. Other than that, weekend sibuk dipenuhi aktiviti2 sukan:
Sabtu pagi - Frisbee, Sabtu ptg - Bola, Ahad pagi - Basket, Ahad ptg - Bola / Ragbi. Huh, rasa macam atlit saja.
Did I mention we had Queensland Sports Carnival last weekend? Rumah Hijau (my house) menang yahoo!! Dah lah aku ngan Mango captain, yahoo!! Dapat medals and rations, double yahoo!!!!
Weekend was eventful. Thursday didn't go to work, got down with a stomach bug. Must be something I ate yesterday. Maka aku cuti 4 hari, woohoo lama nya!!
Friday's ANZAC day (Aussie's Hari Pahlawan), it's a public holiday to commemorate a bunch of Aussies/Kiwis who were killed during World War II. Also spent the last 2 days melayan Guitar Hero 3, some PS2 Game involving tapping your guitar to fit the rhythms. Berkat usaha gigih dan tunjuk ajar housemate (yg terer main guitar gak), kitorang dah settle Expert Level in just 3 days. Phenomenal!! Ptg tu lak ada friendly bola ngan Vietnam. Seri 2-2. Mangkuk! Ada 3 penalti miss!! Gof igure, can't believe that happened. Well, better get the all bad luck out quickly before MASCA. I was disappointing, being found wanting on fitness and ball control, training training training!!!
Saturday UMNO buat tennis tournament. Tak main, sebab tak reti, so sokong je la member2 kat court. Pretty interesting especially when the supporters start to get going with waves / cheers / boos / emotional flicks and such. Time final tuh siap training cheer MASCA lagi, one of my friends yelled "OK!!! Training MASCA! Sebelah kanan QLD, sebelah kiri VIC, jerit!!" Maka pair sebelah kanan tu dapatlah all the cheers and encouragements sedangkan pair kiri lak dapat segala boos and death threats, padahal dua2 team mmg QLD pun. Hahaha, kesian gila. Ended up won by Chow Jon Son and Lavana, solid stuff by them. Housemate played, but got unlucky in the first round. Heh, Anas nanti someday aku terer main nanti kita buat ah gandingan mantap eh? Habis tournament singgah coles jap, beli air, while Ika, Jerry and Anas beli roti sebab tak lunch lagi. Buat nasi goreng stock 2 hari originally, tapi dah lapar sangat makan habis the whole batch well before intended period. Then diorang gi tgk Anas main bola with Indonesians while I went to see UQ Rugby team play against Visitors kat padang. Bongok, dah leading 19-3 last2 kalah 30-41. Tak fit!! (Macam aku :) ) Habis ragbi, layan girls punya netball team. Yes, I like all sorts of games and netball is also a very fast exciting game when played properly and not "gedik"ally.
Malam tu dinner nasi goreng + Musab punya tulang kambing aqiqah anak lelaki dia, layan!!! Try buat cekodok semalam, uuu jadi siot!!! Malang, lupa letak gula + garam, so tawar skit. Bugger...
Called mum to see how everything's going. Mak's fine, just came back from Johor to visit cik Ala and also stopped by Singapore with Ayah, Juju, Abu and Ali to see how the country looks like. After all, the last time they went there was 12 years back and Singapore's had so much change since then. Semangatnya diorang jalan2 jauh time weekend. Ended up being tired but she seemed to enjoy it. Abu's started uni now, mum told me baru2 nih dia keluar ngan sorang girl nih, apparently his friend (That's what he says, poyo lah budak nih!!!). Funny part was when he used up 1/2 bottle of perfume, and even got Juju to tag along, siap jadi driver lagi!! Hahaha, what a great guy, I must catch up with you when I go back bro, what a great great guy. Juju's been on the phone with her boyfriend as well, studying in Sydney to be a pilot. Bila the whole family datang Sydney in May, he's coming up to Brissie to meet her, and we'll take it from there. Huh, macam mana ni??? In addition, my strong feeling says Dad's gonna follow suit, despite saying no several times initially. He has a habit of changing his mind in the very last minute. Ali pulak has been reading heaps of English books, good on him! He did really badly in BM and BI last exam, probably because we were a bit lax on his studies given the focus was more on Abu / Akak at that time, but we have to allocate some time to guide that little baby boy as well (Baby?? Ansar, he's already 10 and still speaks like a cartoon character!!!!!). Masalahnya subjek BM dia lemah, tapi nak baca buku English jek, apa nih?? Got him to read at least 2 hours of Malay book a week, should be manageable and he still gets to do other stuff like playing, watching TV or drawing airplanes being his passion. Not being a dictator, am I? I think that sounds fair. Ayah still sibuk ngan keje dia, usually he'll have something to say if it involves problem solving, decision making or improving a position/process. If not, he keeps cool and quiet while mum does all the talking. Mum's always got great stories to tell me over the phone, every single time without fail. It helps that I normally call once a week, so there's enough material to keep me interested. Keeps me close to home, and in the loop of what's going on with everybody over there. What I find amazing is her ability to keep up with everyone's life developments, fuelled by her genuine curiosity and concern about other people's welfare. Should learn from that...
Finally, malam tu MU lwn Chelsea. Bongoh!!! (Bongok + Bodoh) MU managed to blow the title race open once again with a 2-1 loss at Stamford Bridge. I can hear Ferguson's hair dryer warming up to Max Power for the umpteenth time in his 20+ year tenure. Kalau menang game tu dah settle dah title, nak jugak dramatic finish. Dang....So Chelsea's unbeaten record at Bridge stays on, maybe Liverpool can break it next week. Tolonglah!!!
Well, that wraps up the weekend. Today nak training bola area first touch, I really want to keep my place as a DM regardless!! I can do this!! Hunger hunger hunger, make it work! Never talked so much as well...charge on!!!
Sabtu pagi - Frisbee, Sabtu ptg - Bola, Ahad pagi - Basket, Ahad ptg - Bola / Ragbi. Huh, rasa macam atlit saja.
Did I mention we had Queensland Sports Carnival last weekend? Rumah Hijau (my house) menang yahoo!! Dah lah aku ngan Mango captain, yahoo!! Dapat medals and rations, double yahoo!!!!
Weekend was eventful. Thursday didn't go to work, got down with a stomach bug. Must be something I ate yesterday. Maka aku cuti 4 hari, woohoo lama nya!!
Friday's ANZAC day (Aussie's Hari Pahlawan), it's a public holiday to commemorate a bunch of Aussies/Kiwis who were killed during World War II. Also spent the last 2 days melayan Guitar Hero 3, some PS2 Game involving tapping your guitar to fit the rhythms. Berkat usaha gigih dan tunjuk ajar housemate (yg terer main guitar gak), kitorang dah settle Expert Level in just 3 days. Phenomenal!! Ptg tu lak ada friendly bola ngan Vietnam. Seri 2-2. Mangkuk! Ada 3 penalti miss!! Gof igure, can't believe that happened. Well, better get the all bad luck out quickly before MASCA. I was disappointing, being found wanting on fitness and ball control, training training training!!!
Saturday UMNO buat tennis tournament. Tak main, sebab tak reti, so sokong je la member2 kat court. Pretty interesting especially when the supporters start to get going with waves / cheers / boos / emotional flicks and such. Time final tuh siap training cheer MASCA lagi, one of my friends yelled "OK!!! Training MASCA! Sebelah kanan QLD, sebelah kiri VIC, jerit!!" Maka pair sebelah kanan tu dapatlah all the cheers and encouragements sedangkan pair kiri lak dapat segala boos and death threats, padahal dua2 team mmg QLD pun. Hahaha, kesian gila. Ended up won by Chow Jon Son and Lavana, solid stuff by them. Housemate played, but got unlucky in the first round. Heh, Anas nanti someday aku terer main nanti kita buat ah gandingan mantap eh? Habis tournament singgah coles jap, beli air, while Ika, Jerry and Anas beli roti sebab tak lunch lagi. Buat nasi goreng stock 2 hari originally, tapi dah lapar sangat makan habis the whole batch well before intended period. Then diorang gi tgk Anas main bola with Indonesians while I went to see UQ Rugby team play against Visitors kat padang. Bongok, dah leading 19-3 last2 kalah 30-41. Tak fit!! (Macam aku :) ) Habis ragbi, layan girls punya netball team. Yes, I like all sorts of games and netball is also a very fast exciting game when played properly and not "gedik"ally.
Malam tu dinner nasi goreng + Musab punya tulang kambing aqiqah anak lelaki dia, layan!!! Try buat cekodok semalam, uuu jadi siot!!! Malang, lupa letak gula + garam, so tawar skit. Bugger...
Called mum to see how everything's going. Mak's fine, just came back from Johor to visit cik Ala and also stopped by Singapore with Ayah, Juju, Abu and Ali to see how the country looks like. After all, the last time they went there was 12 years back and Singapore's had so much change since then. Semangatnya diorang jalan2 jauh time weekend. Ended up being tired but she seemed to enjoy it. Abu's started uni now, mum told me baru2 nih dia keluar ngan sorang girl nih, apparently his friend (That's what he says, poyo lah budak nih!!!). Funny part was when he used up 1/2 bottle of perfume, and even got Juju to tag along, siap jadi driver lagi!! Hahaha, what a great guy, I must catch up with you when I go back bro, what a great great guy. Juju's been on the phone with her boyfriend as well, studying in Sydney to be a pilot. Bila the whole family datang Sydney in May, he's coming up to Brissie to meet her, and we'll take it from there. Huh, macam mana ni??? In addition, my strong feeling says Dad's gonna follow suit, despite saying no several times initially. He has a habit of changing his mind in the very last minute. Ali pulak has been reading heaps of English books, good on him! He did really badly in BM and BI last exam, probably because we were a bit lax on his studies given the focus was more on Abu / Akak at that time, but we have to allocate some time to guide that little baby boy as well (Baby?? Ansar, he's already 10 and still speaks like a cartoon character!!!!!). Masalahnya subjek BM dia lemah, tapi nak baca buku English jek, apa nih?? Got him to read at least 2 hours of Malay book a week, should be manageable and he still gets to do other stuff like playing, watching TV or drawing airplanes being his passion. Not being a dictator, am I? I think that sounds fair. Ayah still sibuk ngan keje dia, usually he'll have something to say if it involves problem solving, decision making or improving a position/process. If not, he keeps cool and quiet while mum does all the talking. Mum's always got great stories to tell me over the phone, every single time without fail. It helps that I normally call once a week, so there's enough material to keep me interested. Keeps me close to home, and in the loop of what's going on with everybody over there. What I find amazing is her ability to keep up with everyone's life developments, fuelled by her genuine curiosity and concern about other people's welfare. Should learn from that...
Finally, malam tu MU lwn Chelsea. Bongoh!!! (Bongok + Bodoh) MU managed to blow the title race open once again with a 2-1 loss at Stamford Bridge. I can hear Ferguson's hair dryer warming up to Max Power for the umpteenth time in his 20+ year tenure. Kalau menang game tu dah settle dah title, nak jugak dramatic finish. Dang....So Chelsea's unbeaten record at Bridge stays on, maybe Liverpool can break it next week. Tolonglah!!!
Well, that wraps up the weekend. Today nak training bola area first touch, I really want to keep my place as a DM regardless!! I can do this!! Hunger hunger hunger, make it work! Never talked so much as well...charge on!!!
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