Sunday, April 27, 2008

Who would've thought???

Bodoh!!! Hari ni tgh2 nak masak aku simpan la apple juice dlm fridge. Tak sangka rupa2nya dia punya cap tuh tak tutup betul, habis tumpah!! Argghhh!!!!!!! Habis setandan tisu aku kena guna nak lap lantai and fridge. What a waste of precious time. Ladies and gents, do not spill juice, especially sweet flavoured ones on the floor. Takes an eternity top clean them up, could've been so much better used for more productive activites, like eating, sleeping and watching tv. Bugger bugger bugger, that's all I can say.

Right, felt much better after pouring out my heartfelt passion and hatred for all the little annoying things that happen in life, on this blog. Ujian Tuhan, ujian jek tu..

By the way, went for massage this afternoon, knees and ankles playing up. Bit of soreness, hoping nothing serious, need to get it in good condition so I don't get severely injured like what happened to my friends. Once dah injured, biasanya area yg kena tuh dah tak kuat dah.. Should warmup, do stretchings and not commit too much except for games that matter.

Sok keje, baju seluar semua dah iron..Yes yes yes!! All 14 of them, tahan ah 3 minggu keje. Can get away with not doing so for a long time. Someone should invent a machine that when you put your clothes in, dia siap iron. Anyone who can do that is truly a genius and will definitely be my best friend! I'd even pay $1000 for it. Any takers??

Have a good week everybody!

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