Pelik, pelik, pelik, pelik...
Aku baru perasan rupa2nya aku ada habit of selalu lupa clear sink and kitchen area everytime after masak. Also, aku selalu lupa jemur baju lepas basuh, biar jek lama2 dlm washing machine sampai busuk. Heheh, this habit was very politely pointed out by my housemate on numerous occasions, sungguh embarassing. Wonder why? For some reason, dlm banyak2 benda aku nak buat hari tu mesti tertinggal 2 benda ni punya (sometimes I forget other things as well but dua nih always the main culprits). Not only on this occasion, even happened since years ago so it is a recurring habit (and an annoying one, because no one likes going home to a filthy kitchen or smelly laundry)
Teringat 4 tahun lalu, huh lama tuh, time aku tinggal kat Campus Lodge ngan Pin, Fuad dan Adnan (Great Housemates - rindu sungguh zaman tu). For some reason, all of us happen to practice the same habits. Kalau bangun pagi mesti ada jek sink tuh penuh ngan benda2 tak basuh / minyak masak / kitchen berlendir yg berminggu tak settle. Kadang2 aku basuhkan diorang nyer benda, kadang2 diorang basuh aku nyer benda. Either way, someone has to clean up. Why? Only reason I can think of was semua orang biasanya bangun lewat, rushing nak gi lecture, masak breakfast cepat2 and then lupa nak kemas balik. Repeat that routine for many many days, added by the fact that we're all laid back people (which is good since no one gets too fussy but no one could really be too bothered to get all emotional pasal isu2 nih).
Anyway, it got to a point so bad that sebab dah lama tak buang sampah (sebab asyik lewat bangun, rush brekky and tak kemas), pada suatu hari DAPUR AKU TIBA2 BERULAT!!!!! ARGHH!!!! WTF??? Tuhan saja yg boleh bayangkan betapa terkamjatnya aku bila balik rumah dari lecture uni, nampak benda2 kecik warna putih melompat2 atas carpet. First time tengok ingat habuk jek, sekali tengok dekat2, wah!!!!! Melompat aku!! Meloncat housemate! Huh, kalau warden Campus Lodge ada skali mau dia lompat paling tinggi sekali, mengalahkan Lee Kum Zee..Kelam kabut gak ah nak minimise the damage. Kitorang main belasah jek vakuum the whole carpet, termasuklah ulat2 tuh, huh like a nightmare come true. Pas tu bila menatang2 tuh dah berkumpul dlm bag vakum, only god knows how it stank, and we had to put all sorts of sprays /perfume to neutralise the odour. Daripada full time student, tetiba menjadi full time cleaner, flexible tak flexiblenya kitorang. Tak cite pun selama nih sebab takde sapa really minat sgt nak dgr pasal isu2 rumah nih, semua org ada problem masing2. Skang dah ada blog aku boleh ah berceloteh sorang2 in my virtual world :)
That was then. Now, I'm definitely much more responsible than that (Or so I think, we always try improve everyday don't we?). Old habits die hard though, and they do rear its ugly head up every now and then. Aku tak sedar pun some of them still remain until of late, so I'll need to address this problem quickly and effectively.
Aku perasan kalau aku bangun lambat (kalau dah ngantuk tu, kol 7.30 pagi pun tersengguk lagi nak bangun, another area for improvement) aku akan rushing nak gi keje pagi2, so prepare breakfast cepat2 and lupa simpan balik benda2 tuh. Kitchen lak, sebab aku sejak dulu memang selalu lupa nak lap stove pun lepas masak, so habit tuh mmg still remain. Finally, laundry tuh selalu lambat jemur sebab I tend to wash them at night (lepas balik keje) and then malas nak jemur waktu malam, sejuk dan basah. Unfortunately, bila bangun lambat (again!) waktu pagi mmg confirm ah tak sempat jemur apa2 langsung. Result? A pile of something that smells like rotten eggs. Not cool.
Solving it? Think I got it now, just needed to think aloud for a bit. First, bangun awal skit so got more time to prep brekky and clean up. Around 7 maybe, iisssshhhhh susahnya!!!! Well, either that or no brekky at all, just bawak epal makan dlm keta je. Second, lepas masak and makan, immediately clean up the stove and sink. Finish everything in 1 hit. Finally, lepas basuh baju straight jemur. Sounds obvious, but funny how your habits make these simple steps feel like a mountain to climb.
Some wise man said, "Do something for 21 days and it becomes a habit". Islam ada mention something similar, but for 40 days. Either way, if I can do this everyday I'm sure it'll become heaps easier. So everyone, pls wish me luck and thanks for reading!!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
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go ansar.!)
Huisy, aku baru jek habis tulis dah ada org baca dah, semangat! Like your blog as well!!
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