Tuesday, August 26, 2008



26 Ogos Merdeka exam!

31 Merdeka negara! Yeehaaa!!!!!!

Huh, never thought that would end. Exam ok la tadi, boleh jawab soalan dia. But definitely not enough time to do everything, resulting on strategic attacks to critical questions to limit the damage. We'll see how we go, hopefully ok. Would hate to have to do supp / repeat the whole sem, that definitely throws all sorts of spanners into the works.

Did I learn plenty? You bet. There's definitely questions flying everywhere, but apparently it did seem a bit straightforward at times. Some of the questions were even adaptation of CLP worked examples / focus session questions. I could have sworn my seniors told me last year's paper was hellishly more difficult than that. Well, count myself a bit lucky then (just a bit, not too much).

Having said that, I'm free. Did some productive stuff after exam (must do it before the next form slump arrives..)

- Haircut at my favourite Toowong barber shop. ($10 je and nice results too, for a guy that is. Girls can ignore this and continue subscribing to their $100+ hairstylists)

- Basuh keta, makeup keta and vakum keta. Terjumpa jam aku yang hilang 1 tahun!!!!!! Yariba!!!

DR Watch $100
CR Asset recovery $100

- Melepak. Lepak is an awesome 5-letter word.

Need to catchup with plenty of other equally important stuff:

1) Parents nak dtg, therefore wajib kemas rumah / bilik / keta / iman lest you experience the fury of an angry mum. Tak sangka, dah 25 tahun pun masih takut dgn mak sendiri. Hai....

2) Sambung balik fitness training for MASCA tahun depan. Lama tak jogging, gym and swimming. Need to recover full fitness levels again.

3) Help out brother with uni stuff, crucial...I promised a few special ppl I'd take responsibility for this assignment.

4) Main bola sampai pengsan. Main guitar hero sampai pengsan. Layan EPL sampai pengsan. That should take me straight from Friday night to Monday morning. How's that for planning?

1 comment:

-Azman Mashor- said...

ape lagi ko jumpe dlm kete?takkan jam ke kot? hehehe...weekend ni aku blk weh!pekene taro milk tea sampai pengsan gak!