Saturday, July 19, 2008

Fascinating - worth a read...

I was just reading Malaysia-related news on the net and accidentally stumbled upon this blog.

An 18-year old girl (in 2004, now she's around 22) from Tamparuli (A place in Sabah, there's a nice song about the bridge I like to play)

She chronicles her experiences during her 3-month national service. I loved it because it's very well balanced, full of substance, not too emotional, well-articulated and portrays outstanding maturity levels beyond her age!!

Big deal for me, given I've never been in NS before. It's got absolutely everything. The good, the bad and the ugly. (Make that superbad and superugly...)

Anyway, sapa ada masa baca lah.. fascinating gila!!! (bagi aku lah..)

Good night everyone. Hope you're all alive and happy out there.

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