Friday, July 11, 2008


Syukur alhamdulillah,

After bergegasan seharian, pada pukul 4.45 pm adik aku selamat menerima an unconditional offer of entry to UQ.

We got the CRICOS number. Now we need to get the visa organised between now and 25/7/2008. That's 14 days, just enough time I reckon. Kelas start 21st July, he's gonna miss that.

But he'll attend uni starting 28/7/2008.

Credit to everyone in the family yang berhempas-pulas sejak 5 hari lepas trying to get everything in place. Now we rest for weekend and launch stage 2 on Monday. Juggling 20 things at the same time with constrained resources and time has never been so stretching. Project management at its very best.

Till then.


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