Aku nak ucapkan terima kasih kepada housemate aku sebab kasi family aku crash bilik kau selama seminggu nih. Jasa mu dikenang, you rock!!!
Sekian terima kasih
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Satu ribu
Family came Sunday, yay!!!!
At least satu ribu benda berlaku lepas tu, tiba2 banyak gila benda berlaku, kehidupan aku jadi 100x lagi happening ngan tiba2, aku bercakap 100x lebih banyak berbanding biasa, so tiba2 terlampau banyak benda nak cerita and my mind felt too tired to articulate everything!!! So I'm just gonna summarise them in bullet points: Facts and emotions
- Makan banyak gila sampai pengsan, siap bawak bekal lagi pegi keje! Bestnya! Ada orang masakkan! Boleh bawak bekal pegi keje!!!!
- Bangun awal gila, tahu2 jek breakfast dah siap pas tu baju seluar dah siap berbasuh, berjemur dan berlipat. Woohoo!!!!!
- Keta sewa seminggu sebab keta aku baru jek siap semalam. Pegi workshop konon2nya nak collect tapi ada malaun mana tah parking depan keta aku, block jalan!! Camana nak keluar weh???
- Terperangkap dalam ofis selama 3 hari, while my family gi museum, library, city, makan kebab, fish and chips, aku lak reconcile accounts...what th?? Dahla month-end, gila struggle nak apply leave, terpaksa bekerja lebih gigih supaya boleh siap kerja2 in advance. Nasib baik bos lembut hati, dapat la chow. Jason Liew and Dave Morrison, you guys rock!!
- Gi Mount Coottha tadi pekena kopi, sok mungkin gi Moreton kalau tak hujan. Kalau hujan, e're buggered. Layan planetarium / herbarium / botany garden kat kaki bukit Mt Coottha kot..
- Met my sis's bf. Nice guy, i think i like him. I hope he likes me, that may be hard given i don't express emotions that much but see what happens.
- Happy gila, having your family here's always great! There's the mum who's always full of stories, your sister who's always loved you as her brother, and my baby bro who likes annoying the crap out of me, all in good fun. Ayah ngan Abu je tak dtg, kalau tak lagi kecoh la hidup aku
- Pening gila, biasanya hari aku nih senyap, tenteram and I have at least 18 hours of "Me-time" in a day. Tiba2 3 hari nih aku banyak bercakap / mendengar / berbincang / me'react' and always end up mentally exhausted albeit satisfied at the end of the day.
- Lega gila, parents sampai selamat. Padahal sebelum flight diorang boleh lupa langsung nak buat visa Aussie, seb baik boleh buat online. Kalau tak dah burn tiket dah. Dahla makcik information tuh kerek ngan mak aku, org tanya mana nak buat visa dia suruh buat kat embassy, banyak la kau!!! Flight lagi 1-2 jam je, pas tu bila tanya boleh buat online ke tak, dia tak nak mengaku kalah pulak, mangkuk sungguh. Last2 dapatla buat online, sampai gak sini. Alhamduliallah.
- Warm gila, always nice to have those long and meaningful chats with people you love. People who somehow remember those little things about yourself and details of events that happened 20 years ago, still fresh in mind as if all those memories are safely stored in a DVD and replayed back to rekindle fond nostalgics.
Life is good. And this post is massive. Good night guys!
At least satu ribu benda berlaku lepas tu, tiba2 banyak gila benda berlaku, kehidupan aku jadi 100x lagi happening ngan tiba2, aku bercakap 100x lebih banyak berbanding biasa, so tiba2 terlampau banyak benda nak cerita and my mind felt too tired to articulate everything!!! So I'm just gonna summarise them in bullet points: Facts and emotions
- Makan banyak gila sampai pengsan, siap bawak bekal lagi pegi keje! Bestnya! Ada orang masakkan! Boleh bawak bekal pegi keje!!!!
- Bangun awal gila, tahu2 jek breakfast dah siap pas tu baju seluar dah siap berbasuh, berjemur dan berlipat. Woohoo!!!!!
- Keta sewa seminggu sebab keta aku baru jek siap semalam. Pegi workshop konon2nya nak collect tapi ada malaun mana tah parking depan keta aku, block jalan!! Camana nak keluar weh???
- Terperangkap dalam ofis selama 3 hari, while my family gi museum, library, city, makan kebab, fish and chips, aku lak reconcile accounts...what th?? Dahla month-end, gila struggle nak apply leave, terpaksa bekerja lebih gigih supaya boleh siap kerja2 in advance. Nasib baik bos lembut hati, dapat la chow. Jason Liew and Dave Morrison, you guys rock!!
- Gi Mount Coottha tadi pekena kopi, sok mungkin gi Moreton kalau tak hujan. Kalau hujan, e're buggered. Layan planetarium / herbarium / botany garden kat kaki bukit Mt Coottha kot..
- Met my sis's bf. Nice guy, i think i like him. I hope he likes me, that may be hard given i don't express emotions that much but see what happens.
- Happy gila, having your family here's always great! There's the mum who's always full of stories, your sister who's always loved you as her brother, and my baby bro who likes annoying the crap out of me, all in good fun. Ayah ngan Abu je tak dtg, kalau tak lagi kecoh la hidup aku
- Pening gila, biasanya hari aku nih senyap, tenteram and I have at least 18 hours of "Me-time" in a day. Tiba2 3 hari nih aku banyak bercakap / mendengar / berbincang / me'react' and always end up mentally exhausted albeit satisfied at the end of the day.
- Lega gila, parents sampai selamat. Padahal sebelum flight diorang boleh lupa langsung nak buat visa Aussie, seb baik boleh buat online. Kalau tak dah burn tiket dah. Dahla makcik information tuh kerek ngan mak aku, org tanya mana nak buat visa dia suruh buat kat embassy, banyak la kau!!! Flight lagi 1-2 jam je, pas tu bila tanya boleh buat online ke tak, dia tak nak mengaku kalah pulak, mangkuk sungguh. Last2 dapatla buat online, sampai gak sini. Alhamduliallah.
- Warm gila, always nice to have those long and meaningful chats with people you love. People who somehow remember those little things about yourself and details of events that happened 20 years ago, still fresh in mind as if all those memories are safely stored in a DVD and replayed back to rekindle fond nostalgics.
Life is good. And this post is massive. Good night guys!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
To do
Kemas rumah - vakum, lap kitchen, kemas bilik, lipat baju, iron shirt
Cuci siling
Cari related Brisbane brochure - Hafal, telan dan hadam
Study CA module
Cuci siling
Cari related Brisbane brochure - Hafal, telan dan hadam
Study CA module
Yey yey yey!! Tadi friendly ngan brunei, menang 4-1! Terima kasih diucapkan kepada keeper tersayang, fellow defender yang macho gila, midfielder yg keras dan passing hebat, dan akhir skali para striker yg menghancurkan pertahanan mereka 4 kali. Good game all round, tersenyum2 aku tido malam ni.
Tepuk tangan! Clap clap clap...
Tepuk tangan! Clap clap clap...
Friday, May 23, 2008
Aahh, bangun tido pun rasa aman jek. Might visit one of my good mates who just came back from Malaysia. Hari tu dia balik 7 minggu for his project, so it'll be nice to catch up with him again. That guy rocks.
Keretaku part 2
Damn it. Patutnya siap Rabu, last2 sampai Isnin depan baru leh buat. Geramnya!!!!
Know what happened? Aku hantar keta aku Selasa, pas tu mekanik dah check, kata ada electrical problem. Apparently an ignition switch was not working well, causing the engine to sometimes start and sometimes not. Untung2 jalan, kalau tak tersadai je le kat garage. Supposed to be a straightforward job, involving an auto-electrician to come an install / replace a new switch and my car should be up and running again.
Guess what? Dia tak dtg!! Rabu Khamis Jumaat!!! Asyik2 kata ada job lain, sangkut ngan client2 lain tak ingat lama nyer!!! I felt like blowing off to the mechanic, tapi tak sampai hati sebab bukan dia yg salah, tapi auto-electrician tuh, farrrrrrr out...also the Shell mechanic was being very apologetic and accountable towards making sure my car will be fixed as soon as possible, and admitting that "a simple job has turned into a one that's taking bloody forever" in his words. Ah, he treats his clients well.
Notwithstanding, I still ended up having to take 4 hour trips to and from work, which accumulates 20 hours a week...how's that for destroying productivity guys? Sure, not gonna complain too much when you compare commuting in Malaysia (jam-packed) or the ones in China (super-duper-sardine-packed) but still, really wish i could have my car back. Cepat lah siap, aku janji akan jaga keta aku baik2 from now on...duit habis skit pun takpele, janji boleh gi keje...bukan boleh bawak kubo pun pitis2 nih..
On the bright side, weekend!!!! Singgah city makan kurma daging berlaukkan nasi (literally) kat Abra Kebab Wintergarden. Lapar lagi, so melantak chips Red Rooster. Dahaga, so pekena Taro Milk besor kat Myer. Ingat nak beli Krispy Kreme, tapi tetiba rasa jemu lak mulut membayangkan donut2 berkalori tingginya. Line pun panjang gila, despite just recently opening a new kiosk in Myer Centre.
Spent 30 mins terhegeh2 mencari bas 412, bukan dulu kat Casino ke???? Dah la bila aku call Translink operator dia kata kat "Adelaide St, aproaching George St". Cari2, tak jumpa. Call sepam lagi, answering machine lak jawab "George St, approaching Adelaide St". What!??!?! Call my housemate, dia lak kata, "kat Casino". Pun tak jumpa. Teringat lak member aku sorang kata dekat depan Pub Irish tuh (O'Brien?? O'Malley's?? O'Reilly's??). Takde gak..Menapak lak ke belah Conrad Hotel, pun takde..pancit kaki aku berjalan by now tahap nak menyumpah2 dah, last2 jln balik ke Adelaide St, kat corner of George St by chance...tiba2 ternampak Bas 412!!! Lariiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohooo!! Nightmare has ended, I'm free! Sejuk gila kat luar tuh!! Lega dapat lepak dlm bas balik.
Turns out the bus stop was set such that the bus would be heading towards the city (previously the stop was set so it heads away from the city, time dia depan JB HiFi dulu.) Because of that, I retained the same assumption and didn't bother looking for buses facing the opposite direction. Alhamdulillah.
Esok friendly lawan Brunei. Cayalah!! Can't wait!! What a cracking game we're having tomorrow!! Good night.
Know what happened? Aku hantar keta aku Selasa, pas tu mekanik dah check, kata ada electrical problem. Apparently an ignition switch was not working well, causing the engine to sometimes start and sometimes not. Untung2 jalan, kalau tak tersadai je le kat garage. Supposed to be a straightforward job, involving an auto-electrician to come an install / replace a new switch and my car should be up and running again.
Guess what? Dia tak dtg!! Rabu Khamis Jumaat!!! Asyik2 kata ada job lain, sangkut ngan client2 lain tak ingat lama nyer!!! I felt like blowing off to the mechanic, tapi tak sampai hati sebab bukan dia yg salah, tapi auto-electrician tuh, farrrrrrr out...also the Shell mechanic was being very apologetic and accountable towards making sure my car will be fixed as soon as possible, and admitting that "a simple job has turned into a one that's taking bloody forever" in his words. Ah, he treats his clients well.
Notwithstanding, I still ended up having to take 4 hour trips to and from work, which accumulates 20 hours a week...how's that for destroying productivity guys? Sure, not gonna complain too much when you compare commuting in Malaysia (jam-packed) or the ones in China (super-duper-sardine-packed) but still, really wish i could have my car back. Cepat lah siap, aku janji akan jaga keta aku baik2 from now on...duit habis skit pun takpele, janji boleh gi keje...bukan boleh bawak kubo pun pitis2 nih..
On the bright side, weekend!!!! Singgah city makan kurma daging berlaukkan nasi (literally) kat Abra Kebab Wintergarden. Lapar lagi, so melantak chips Red Rooster. Dahaga, so pekena Taro Milk besor kat Myer. Ingat nak beli Krispy Kreme, tapi tetiba rasa jemu lak mulut membayangkan donut2 berkalori tingginya. Line pun panjang gila, despite just recently opening a new kiosk in Myer Centre.
Spent 30 mins terhegeh2 mencari bas 412, bukan dulu kat Casino ke???? Dah la bila aku call Translink operator dia kata kat "Adelaide St, aproaching George St". Cari2, tak jumpa. Call sepam lagi, answering machine lak jawab "George St, approaching Adelaide St". What!??!?! Call my housemate, dia lak kata, "kat Casino". Pun tak jumpa. Teringat lak member aku sorang kata dekat depan Pub Irish tuh (O'Brien?? O'Malley's?? O'Reilly's??). Takde gak..Menapak lak ke belah Conrad Hotel, pun takde..pancit kaki aku berjalan by now tahap nak menyumpah2 dah, last2 jln balik ke Adelaide St, kat corner of George St by chance...tiba2 ternampak Bas 412!!! Lariiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohooo!! Nightmare has ended, I'm free! Sejuk gila kat luar tuh!! Lega dapat lepak dlm bas balik.
Turns out the bus stop was set such that the bus would be heading towards the city (previously the stop was set so it heads away from the city, time dia depan JB HiFi dulu.) Because of that, I retained the same assumption and didn't bother looking for buses facing the opposite direction. Alhamdulillah.
Esok friendly lawan Brunei. Cayalah!! Can't wait!! What a cracking game we're having tomorrow!! Good night.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
On form again?
Pening2 hilang - check
Sakit2 badan hilang - check
Kurangnya perasaan berat yg menghantui seluruh badan - check
Recovering my concentration back at work - check
Ladies and gentlemen, I reckon I'm back in business..
Sakit2 badan hilang - check
Kurangnya perasaan berat yg menghantui seluruh badan - check
Recovering my concentration back at work - check
Ladies and gentlemen, I reckon I'm back in business..
Aku rindu keretaku!!!!!!
Keta hantar gi workshop last tuesday, esok baru siap. In the meantime, there's public transport.
Kena naik 1 bas, 2 train dan jalan kaki 20 minit!!!!!
That's 2 hours going and 2 hours returning.....Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What inefficiency, what a waste of valuable time. Nak tido dlm tren pun takleh takut terlepas station....
While this is not too bad compared to public transport back home, 4 wasted hours still bites you in the neck. Hampeh....
I need my car back, I need my car back, I need my car back, I need my car back....
Kena naik 1 bas, 2 train dan jalan kaki 20 minit!!!!!
That's 2 hours going and 2 hours returning.....Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What inefficiency, what a waste of valuable time. Nak tido dlm tren pun takleh takut terlepas station....
While this is not too bad compared to public transport back home, 4 wasted hours still bites you in the neck. Hampeh....
I need my car back, I need my car back, I need my car back, I need my car back....
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Beware: This entry drains reader's energy levels! Proceed at your own risk..
Sabtu - Training bola sampai pengsan, defend-attack drill rocks!!! I love football!!
Ahad - Masuk comp bola, lari sampai pancit tapi team tak lepas, draw semua game! Ah, where are the destroyers when you need them...
Isnin - Recovering, I swear I must've spent 30 mins on actual work and the other 7.5 hours just checking blogs, walking around, reading papers, reading football tactics / news / tips.
Selasa - Recovering lagi!!!!! What is going on??? I must be going through a form slump. Dua tiga menjak nih malas nak buat sebarang benda.. Only thing I can think of doing in the morning is sleep sleep sleep, padahal dah lebih 8 jam tuh. That's bad.
Maybe I lack exercise. Maybe I'm not eating enough. Maybe I'm eating too much. Maybe I sleep too late. Maybe I sleep too much. Crap, could be anything...
Didn't help that I've been sleeping late for the last few days, alasan sebab melayan member baikku dari Cloncurry. Huh, dan dan jek, stop hiding behind excuses and have a real crack at improving your life. While you're thinking about that, remember to wash the dishes, lipat your clothes, iron your shirt, cuci siling bilik air sebelum Priscilla the Devil comes again, organise team registration, get your car fixed, don't eat so much outside, read the newspapers more often, jangan tinggal sembahyang, ngaji selalu, gi gym, study your CA module, get those company accounts organised and as an added bonus....get brochures to scrutinise before mum comes on sunday. Oh yeah, call someone to hire a car to pick her up maybe.
Fuh, leganya dapat melepaskan. Probably explains why my mind feels jumbled up for the last few days. And why my body has been functioning to that of an elderly person.
Ahad - Masuk comp bola, lari sampai pancit tapi team tak lepas, draw semua game! Ah, where are the destroyers when you need them...
Isnin - Recovering, I swear I must've spent 30 mins on actual work and the other 7.5 hours just checking blogs, walking around, reading papers, reading football tactics / news / tips.
Selasa - Recovering lagi!!!!! What is going on??? I must be going through a form slump. Dua tiga menjak nih malas nak buat sebarang benda.. Only thing I can think of doing in the morning is sleep sleep sleep, padahal dah lebih 8 jam tuh. That's bad.
Maybe I lack exercise. Maybe I'm not eating enough. Maybe I'm eating too much. Maybe I sleep too late. Maybe I sleep too much. Crap, could be anything...
Didn't help that I've been sleeping late for the last few days, alasan sebab melayan member baikku dari Cloncurry. Huh, dan dan jek, stop hiding behind excuses and have a real crack at improving your life. While you're thinking about that, remember to wash the dishes, lipat your clothes, iron your shirt, cuci siling bilik air sebelum Priscilla the Devil comes again, organise team registration, get your car fixed, don't eat so much outside, read the newspapers more often, jangan tinggal sembahyang, ngaji selalu, gi gym, study your CA module, get those company accounts organised and as an added bonus....get brochures to scrutinise before mum comes on sunday. Oh yeah, call someone to hire a car to pick her up maybe.
Fuh, leganya dapat melepaskan. Probably explains why my mind feels jumbled up for the last few days. And why my body has been functioning to that of an elderly person.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! Great Joke from Facebook!!!
Baru2 ni aku check Facebook (BERSERABUT!! Aku benci!!!!). The only reason I checked was because I keep getting friend requests from old friends and even workmates!! Macamana diorang boleh kesan aku sial???
Papehal pun, si Muiz penah hantar kuiz kat aku titled, "What sort of Football Player are you?"
This is the result! (WTF???? Hahahahaha!!! FACEBOOK'S A JOKE!!!)

Papehal pun, si Muiz penah hantar kuiz kat aku titled, "What sort of Football Player are you?"
This is the result! (WTF???? Hahahahaha!!! FACEBOOK'S A JOKE!!!)
You are the wonderkid.The prodigy.You are being hailed as the next Maradona by the great man himself.What Maradona does,you can also do it.Just don't pick up the same cocaine habit.Marijuana is a better option.You have a great future ahead,so good luck.May the force be with you.
Flattering? Definitely, Messi tuh mmg la dribbler favourite aku, tak terkalah. But I thought I would get some Defender / Defensive Mid's name, purely based on the answers I chose for the questions (i.ke I chose the sensible answers rather than the wacky ones). Sekali dapat nih lak, malas nak pk banyak2 sgt, kang jadi Mat Jenin lak.
Would be interesting to know other people's results though. One of my good friends normally plays in defense, but he ended up getting Drogba!! Hahahaha!! Alright everyone take care eh?
Flattering? Definitely, Messi tuh mmg la dribbler favourite aku, tak terkalah. But I thought I would get some Defender / Defensive Mid's name, purely based on the answers I chose for the questions (i.ke I chose the sensible answers rather than the wacky ones). Sekali dapat nih lak, malas nak pk banyak2 sgt, kang jadi Mat Jenin lak.
Would be interesting to know other people's results though. One of my good friends normally plays in defense, but he ended up getting Drogba!! Hahahaha!! Alright everyone take care eh?
Kenapalah orang suka call aku time aku kat:
1) Toilet
2) Sembahyang
Time lain senyap jek phone, pelik pelik
1) Toilet
2) Sembahyang
Time lain senyap jek phone, pelik pelik
Azman - rakan Kelantanku dari Cloncurry
Weeiiheeyyy, si Jemay dtg lagi menghabiskan masa bersama2 rakan2 nya. Biasa la keje gomen, so dapat la tiket flight balik brissie sekali sebulan. Huh, cemburu buta aku, tapi bagus gak ah..at least duit tax aku digunakan untuk bawak member baik aku balik brissie, lepak2 layan kopi and bercerita. Last time dtg belanja aku dinner ngan kopi, hari ni dtg belanja lagi dinner ngan ayor, woohooo!!!!!! Terima kasih banyak2 la Man, jasa mu dikenang.
One of my final chains of link that connects me to my past. Sekarang yg tinggal banyak budak2 baru, pun best gak since they've got those youthful characters which always keeps me emotionally healthy. Tapi seronokla kalau member2 lama ada lagi, maklumlah ada kaki nak melaksanakan certain activities.
Anyway, keep that short before I start going off the rails. Man, you rock!!!
One of my final chains of link that connects me to my past. Sekarang yg tinggal banyak budak2 baru, pun best gak since they've got those youthful characters which always keeps me emotionally healthy. Tapi seronokla kalau member2 lama ada lagi, maklumlah ada kaki nak melaksanakan certain activities.
Anyway, keep that short before I start going off the rails. Man, you rock!!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Hari ini aku dapat aku nyer CA module. Time to study! Exam August nih, so 3 bulan jek nak understand the material. Subject? Financial Reporting and Accounting....ahhhhhhh, best nya
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Hari ini aku balik lambat keje, sebab sibuk sikit. Biasa lah, nak kena submit BAS Statements and weekly reporting journals before tomorrow, so stay back skit. Dinner try la Nando's Chicken Steak tuh...ok gak, but I still prefer the ribs!!! Yumm...
Still lapar, so singgah kedai kebab beli kebab plate. Should be okay i think, kenyang pun kenyang, sihat pun sihat.
Aku menerima surat cinta daripada property manager aku, banyak gila comment pasal kebersihan rumah! (Weih, before semua org start meleter aku pasal kebersihan I'm gonna defend myself first...aku selalu vakum rumah!! Kalau time on-form tuh siap cuci dinding bilik air lagi!!)
Heheh, it triggers bad memories of the past time Campus Lodge dulu. Warden tegas nak mampus, org dah vakum rumah, and siap lap debu2 kat ceruk bilik lagi, dia still boleh comment "Your house is Unhygienically Unacceptable". What, you're inferring my house as a fly dump??? It is true that the cleanliness level left much to be desired (baca old post) but sekali tu je. Cuci macamana pun dia still tak puas hati gak, last2 panggil professional cleaner. Pas tu bukan ada beza pun!!!! Org dah kata old stain, old stain lah, takleh tanggal nak buat camana, letak clorox kang hancur lantai, so scrub sabun biasa je le... Grrrrrrr....
Dulu George, sekarang Priscilla pulak (one of my friends will remember "Fiona" when he reads this hehehe). Macam2, oh well, better start cleaning up this weekend them. Grrrr, "Unhygienically Unacceptable", my foot!!!!
Selamat malam rakan2.
Still lapar, so singgah kedai kebab beli kebab plate. Should be okay i think, kenyang pun kenyang, sihat pun sihat.
Aku menerima surat cinta daripada property manager aku, banyak gila comment pasal kebersihan rumah! (Weih, before semua org start meleter aku pasal kebersihan I'm gonna defend myself first...aku selalu vakum rumah!! Kalau time on-form tuh siap cuci dinding bilik air lagi!!)
Heheh, it triggers bad memories of the past time Campus Lodge dulu. Warden tegas nak mampus, org dah vakum rumah, and siap lap debu2 kat ceruk bilik lagi, dia still boleh comment "Your house is Unhygienically Unacceptable". What, you're inferring my house as a fly dump??? It is true that the cleanliness level left much to be desired (baca old post) but sekali tu je. Cuci macamana pun dia still tak puas hati gak, last2 panggil professional cleaner. Pas tu bukan ada beza pun!!!! Org dah kata old stain, old stain lah, takleh tanggal nak buat camana, letak clorox kang hancur lantai, so scrub sabun biasa je le... Grrrrrrr....
Dulu George, sekarang Priscilla pulak (one of my friends will remember "Fiona" when he reads this hehehe). Macam2, oh well, better start cleaning up this weekend them. Grrrr, "Unhygienically Unacceptable", my foot!!!!
Selamat malam rakan2.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Hari ni aku tiba2 tak boleh sign in blog aku, sampai la malam nih baru dpt. Last2 malas nak tulis apa2. Sekian terima kasih.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Ibuku datang
My mum's coming to see me on this 26th, great!!! AirAsia offered that super-cheap $62 promo, so I ended up buying a ticket for my mum to come here (Mak jele, Juju ngan Ali bayar sendiri...sorry I'm not that rich), Thank you Tony Fernandez, you rock! Now everyone can fly!!
Right, on a more serious note now..
Apparently my mum dah siap packing dah sekarang rempah-ratus, dvd dsb. Wow, semangatnya! Padahal kalau aku balik, the day before baru la aku nak cari suitcase / passport / wallet. To say she's fired up for her 1 week trip Down Under is an understatement. She's been asking me on how to spend her time there, and I keep saying "Yes, mum, I'll get that organised" (calm and unemotional tone) which normally means "I have got absolutely no idea, and I hope that on the day you arrive I'll magically be enlightened with a tour guide's knowledge."
Anak jenis apakah aku ini? Kena sumpah jadi batu nanti baru tau
So, I drafted up a list of places to go...
1. Glasshouse Mountains - She likes walking / views / plants. She also likes asking what's this and that. If I don't know, she'll even ask the inevitable bonus question, "Habih tu, apa kamu buat kat Brisbane selama ni Bang?" Errgghhh....
2. Museums - Likes culture. Problem is, I am devastatingly clueless about culture and if she spots this ignorance, someone's gonna get grilled (And it's not Nando's chicken!)
3. Gold Coast / Sunshine Coast?? Don't know if she's really into seas, but I might get away with this one. Ajak picnic ke, ambik banyak2 gambar ke
4. Toowomba - City of Gardens, enough said. I hope the drought doesn't spoil it.
5. Mt Cootha - Views and drinks, show Brissie at night...Boleh kot
6. Markets?? (Eumundi / Carrara / Rocklea ???) Does she like it? I don't know...Do mothers like markets??
7. DFO?? Definitely not, Malaysia 100x cheaper
8. Australia Zoo? Hey hey hey, now we're talking!!!
That's all for now. Is that it? 8 Ideas?? That sucks. I've been in Brissie for 8 years, this should've been schoolboy stuff ay?? But then she's only here for a week, so that might be enough. Anyone have any ideas?. I just wanna make sure mum enjoys her trip here, because she rocks!!! Happy mother's day, love you mum.
Right, on a more serious note now..
Apparently my mum dah siap packing dah sekarang rempah-ratus, dvd dsb. Wow, semangatnya! Padahal kalau aku balik, the day before baru la aku nak cari suitcase / passport / wallet. To say she's fired up for her 1 week trip Down Under is an understatement. She's been asking me on how to spend her time there, and I keep saying "Yes, mum, I'll get that organised" (calm and unemotional tone) which normally means "I have got absolutely no idea, and I hope that on the day you arrive I'll magically be enlightened with a tour guide's knowledge."
Anak jenis apakah aku ini? Kena sumpah jadi batu nanti baru tau
So, I drafted up a list of places to go...
1. Glasshouse Mountains - She likes walking / views / plants. She also likes asking what's this and that. If I don't know, she'll even ask the inevitable bonus question, "Habih tu, apa kamu buat kat Brisbane selama ni Bang?" Errgghhh....
2. Museums - Likes culture. Problem is, I am devastatingly clueless about culture and if she spots this ignorance, someone's gonna get grilled (And it's not Nando's chicken!)
3. Gold Coast / Sunshine Coast?? Don't know if she's really into seas, but I might get away with this one. Ajak picnic ke, ambik banyak2 gambar ke
4. Toowomba - City of Gardens, enough said. I hope the drought doesn't spoil it.
5. Mt Cootha - Views and drinks, show Brissie at night...Boleh kot
6. Markets?? (Eumundi / Carrara / Rocklea ???) Does she like it? I don't know...Do mothers like markets??
7. DFO?? Definitely not, Malaysia 100x cheaper
8. Australia Zoo? Hey hey hey, now we're talking!!!
That's all for now. Is that it? 8 Ideas?? That sucks. I've been in Brissie for 8 years, this should've been schoolboy stuff ay?? But then she's only here for a week, so that might be enough. Anyone have any ideas?. I just wanna make sure mum enjoys her trip here, because she rocks!!! Happy mother's day, love you mum.
Weekend ku yg sihat
Biasalah, keje aku kalau tak makan, main...so here goes:
Sabtu pagi: Swimming, saja kuatkan ankle ngan shoulder, lama tak gi, best tul the feeling of water given dah lama tak gi sana. Pancit gila, padahal sorang mamat aussie nih rilek je buat banyak2 lap walaupun speed berenan dia slow jek. Huh, kena improve.
Sabtu ptg: Bola training! Yahoo!! Biasaa aku malas nak gi training2 nih, tapi sebab yg nih sama member jadi best. Practice crossing a bit, and then training defence vs attack. Disudahi ngan main ptg2. Budak2 turun awal, cayalah korang, you guys rock!! Pancit lagi, so that's the end of the day.
Ahad pg: Tido weekend, bangun kol 11. Layan some old Clint Eastwood movie smlm, tu yg terbabas tido kol 4 tuh.. Sia-sia.
Ahad ptg: Bola lagi, hooray!!! Training ngan team Man lak, dia nyer company hantar team bola for some sports carnival, tak cukup org so import la aku, Abu ngan Man. Bagus gak main dgn diorang best. Last week tak kenal sapa kekok sikit. This week dah start figure out passing / running habits diorang, jadi senang skit ah...penat lagi tak habis2 skang, pekena Gatorade sebotol pun tak puas lagi.. malam ni lak ada bola..bugger!!! Mestikah match dibuat pada waktu tgh mlm? Camana nak keje sok nih? Oh well, bad luck..
Enjoy your life guys, I sure am at the moment :)
Sabtu pagi: Swimming, saja kuatkan ankle ngan shoulder, lama tak gi, best tul the feeling of water given dah lama tak gi sana. Pancit gila, padahal sorang mamat aussie nih rilek je buat banyak2 lap walaupun speed berenan dia slow jek. Huh, kena improve.
Sabtu ptg: Bola training! Yahoo!! Biasaa aku malas nak gi training2 nih, tapi sebab yg nih sama member jadi best. Practice crossing a bit, and then training defence vs attack. Disudahi ngan main ptg2. Budak2 turun awal, cayalah korang, you guys rock!! Pancit lagi, so that's the end of the day.
Ahad pg: Tido weekend, bangun kol 11. Layan some old Clint Eastwood movie smlm, tu yg terbabas tido kol 4 tuh.. Sia-sia.
Ahad ptg: Bola lagi, hooray!!! Training ngan team Man lak, dia nyer company hantar team bola for some sports carnival, tak cukup org so import la aku, Abu ngan Man. Bagus gak main dgn diorang best. Last week tak kenal sapa kekok sikit. This week dah start figure out passing / running habits diorang, jadi senang skit ah...penat lagi tak habis2 skang, pekena Gatorade sebotol pun tak puas lagi.. malam ni lak ada bola..bugger!!! Mestikah match dibuat pada waktu tgh mlm? Camana nak keje sok nih? Oh well, bad luck..
Enjoy your life guys, I sure am at the moment :)
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Dua tiga menjak ni mailbox aku asyik dihantam oleh jemputan kawin, from my own schoolmates! My schoolmates!! Pergh, tak sangkanya semua org dah besar tiba2, berkerjaya dan kini sudah berumahtangga. Huh, congrats banyak2 aku ucapkan kat korang semua, moga2 we can still keep in touch once in a while. Marriage is always a big big big gigantic thing, it involves lots of effort, compromise and sacrifices so korang2 yg telah membuat decision sebegini, I have to admit it is an achievement by itself and harap2 boleh berkekalan sepanjang hayat.
Member2 lama aku - Jaka, Manan, Aish, Abby, Shahril, Piyang, Gundat, Hakim, Poyo, Makro, Kicap, Joe, Tem, Zultek, Boks, sapa lagi eh? Tu je kot, sori kalau tak ingat yg lain2.
Sometimes it's hard to believe how time flew. Cam baru semalam jek rasa kat STAR dulu.
First day orientation, nangis bila kena tinggal parents, nangis lagi sebab tak hafal lagu sekolah, nangis sebab kena ragging ngan senior, in fact time telefon pun nak nangis lagi, sebab phone operator tak kasi buat reverse charge!!!!! That was pathetic, pk2 balik.
Mmg betul la budak2 asrama nyer bond kuat gila. Mana taknya, makan sama2, main sama2, tido sama2, kena ragging sama2. Batch aku ada le 100 org je kot, mmg sekor2 tahu ah kelibat masing2, rapat tak rapat. Biasala kalau dah selalu sgt mengadap muka2 sama for 5 years, mesti ada pergaduhan2 bangang pasal isu2 remeh punya, adat berkawan katakan. But in the end, the comradeship has been cemented and until now we still make time to hang out with each other. Mesti ada makan, mesti ada bola, mesti ada lawak2 bahan org nyer, ingredients for a great night out. Bebudak nih kalau nak ngutuk org, nak malukan orang ya allah, semua jenis idea keluar. Mmg konfirm berdekah2 dibuatnya. Kadang2 teringat benda2 cam tuh, mesti tergelak sorang2 nyer pas tu kena rendered ngan member, panggil aku org gila..hehehe
That was then. After that, aku fly Brissie and lama sgt tak contact diorang. Serious I miss those guys heaps. Odd, considering I don't talk that much anyway during gatherings but it's only because just seeing them in good health and smiling is enough to keep me happy inside. Also, it's because I must've spent most of the time laughing like a hyena everytime they start to come up with those tall crazy stories, latest gossips about teachers (mesti ada nyer!!) and sesi membahan member / cikgu / senior. Macam sial..
Tau2 jek, dah dkt 8 tahun dah kitorang dah tinggal sekolah. Heaps happened to them. Ada yg jadi doktor, jadi loyar, jadi engineer, jadi akauntan (me!), buat Master, buat Business etc. Tau2 jek, budak2 dah start berwalimatulurusan. Situ kenduri, sini kenduri, satu pun aku tak gi...abih tu, dah aku tersesat kat sini, buat camana..sorry guys, nanti aku lawat la family korang insyaallah...kalau korang ada anak lelaki sound, nanti aku carikan dia but bola sepasang :)
And not to forget, my uni friends as well..si Luqzan, Farid, Aishah, Kimah, Suria and Adnan. There's also Haris + Kenadd, Tupax + Shikin, Man + Nisa, Bijan + Nurul, Amar, that's most of us already, who's next? Got a few couples in mind right now, heh...kalau jadi then alhamdulillah..Mintak2 dicucuri rahmat jugak seadanya.
Whatever happens now, remember this: We may be busy with our own lives and not contact each other as much, but I will always look after you guys' backs. This is a promise. Trust me.
Dua tiga menjak ni mailbox aku asyik dihantam oleh jemputan kawin, from my own schoolmates! My schoolmates!! Pergh, tak sangkanya semua org dah besar tiba2, berkerjaya dan kini sudah berumahtangga. Huh, congrats banyak2 aku ucapkan kat korang semua, moga2 we can still keep in touch once in a while. Marriage is always a big big big gigantic thing, it involves lots of effort, compromise and sacrifices so korang2 yg telah membuat decision sebegini, I have to admit it is an achievement by itself and harap2 boleh berkekalan sepanjang hayat.
Member2 lama aku - Jaka, Manan, Aish, Abby, Shahril, Piyang, Gundat, Hakim, Poyo, Makro, Kicap, Joe, Tem, Zultek, Boks, sapa lagi eh? Tu je kot, sori kalau tak ingat yg lain2.
Sometimes it's hard to believe how time flew. Cam baru semalam jek rasa kat STAR dulu.
First day orientation, nangis bila kena tinggal parents, nangis lagi sebab tak hafal lagu sekolah, nangis sebab kena ragging ngan senior, in fact time telefon pun nak nangis lagi, sebab phone operator tak kasi buat reverse charge!!!!! That was pathetic, pk2 balik.
Mmg betul la budak2 asrama nyer bond kuat gila. Mana taknya, makan sama2, main sama2, tido sama2, kena ragging sama2. Batch aku ada le 100 org je kot, mmg sekor2 tahu ah kelibat masing2, rapat tak rapat. Biasala kalau dah selalu sgt mengadap muka2 sama for 5 years, mesti ada pergaduhan2 bangang pasal isu2 remeh punya, adat berkawan katakan. But in the end, the comradeship has been cemented and until now we still make time to hang out with each other. Mesti ada makan, mesti ada bola, mesti ada lawak2 bahan org nyer, ingredients for a great night out. Bebudak nih kalau nak ngutuk org, nak malukan orang ya allah, semua jenis idea keluar. Mmg konfirm berdekah2 dibuatnya. Kadang2 teringat benda2 cam tuh, mesti tergelak sorang2 nyer pas tu kena rendered ngan member, panggil aku org gila..hehehe
That was then. After that, aku fly Brissie and lama sgt tak contact diorang. Serious I miss those guys heaps. Odd, considering I don't talk that much anyway during gatherings but it's only because just seeing them in good health and smiling is enough to keep me happy inside. Also, it's because I must've spent most of the time laughing like a hyena everytime they start to come up with those tall crazy stories, latest gossips about teachers (mesti ada nyer!!) and sesi membahan member / cikgu / senior. Macam sial..
Tau2 jek, dah dkt 8 tahun dah kitorang dah tinggal sekolah. Heaps happened to them. Ada yg jadi doktor, jadi loyar, jadi engineer, jadi akauntan (me!), buat Master, buat Business etc. Tau2 jek, budak2 dah start berwalimatulurusan. Situ kenduri, sini kenduri, satu pun aku tak gi...abih tu, dah aku tersesat kat sini, buat camana..sorry guys, nanti aku lawat la family korang insyaallah...kalau korang ada anak lelaki sound, nanti aku carikan dia but bola sepasang :)
And not to forget, my uni friends as well..si Luqzan, Farid, Aishah, Kimah, Suria and Adnan. There's also Haris + Kenadd, Tupax + Shikin, Man + Nisa, Bijan + Nurul, Amar, that's most of us already, who's next? Got a few couples in mind right now, heh...kalau jadi then alhamdulillah..Mintak2 dicucuri rahmat jugak seadanya.
Whatever happens now, remember this: We may be busy with our own lives and not contact each other as much, but I will always look after you guys' backs. This is a promise. Trust me.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Hari yang gila
Aaaaaaahhhhhhh.......Masa untuk menulis, yeeehaaa!!!!!
Pagi tadi sakit perut nak mampus!! Bangun2 jek terus lari pegi toilet. Mesti semalam nyer makan nih, my housemate's girlfriend ajak kitorang kat makan rumah dia, layan Mi Kari siut..pergghhhh!!! Mantap dan layan. Benda tuh dah perfect dah, aku jek ngada nak letak sambal banyak2 kasi berasap kepala. Ambik kau, senak seharian hari ni, but it was worth it! Sedaaaaaapppp...
Dah la mimpi ngeri. Know what happened? I was in this court playing netball with girls against some other team. Tak tau apasal, aku asyik buat mistake jek manjang. Pass out lah, kena intercept lah, salah baling lah. Last2 kena marah tahap tak ingat nyer ngan Denise + Hajar (apahaaal la korang dua tiba2 ada ni). Terjaga aku, for a moment aku boleh takut nak tido balik....Hahahahaha, that's funny.
Also had a full day at work. End of month accounts reconciliation, evil EY auditors coming to check our books for mid-year review. Letih, balik rumah straight terjelepuk atas katil. Makan goat chop ngan mashed potato, huh housemate aku nih boleh tahan skill masak dia. Senang hidup..
Pagi tadi sakit perut nak mampus!! Bangun2 jek terus lari pegi toilet. Mesti semalam nyer makan nih, my housemate's girlfriend ajak kitorang kat makan rumah dia, layan Mi Kari siut..pergghhhh!!! Mantap dan layan. Benda tuh dah perfect dah, aku jek ngada nak letak sambal banyak2 kasi berasap kepala. Ambik kau, senak seharian hari ni, but it was worth it! Sedaaaaaapppp...
Dah la mimpi ngeri. Know what happened? I was in this court playing netball with girls against some other team. Tak tau apasal, aku asyik buat mistake jek manjang. Pass out lah, kena intercept lah, salah baling lah. Last2 kena marah tahap tak ingat nyer ngan Denise + Hajar (apahaaal la korang dua tiba2 ada ni). Terjaga aku, for a moment aku boleh takut nak tido balik....Hahahahaha, that's funny.
Also had a full day at work. End of month accounts reconciliation, evil EY auditors coming to check our books for mid-year review. Letih, balik rumah straight terjelepuk atas katil. Makan goat chop ngan mashed potato, huh housemate aku nih boleh tahan skill masak dia. Senang hidup..
Sunday, May 4, 2008
To do
1. Buy honey, buy mallows
2. Lipat baju
3. Usha brochure Brissie
4. Settle claims - Medicare, MASCA
5. Book padang
6. Collect duit jersi
7. Pam bola
8. Ngaji skit
9. Cari spare part keta, check minyak hitam / brek / steering / air bateri
10. Kemas bilik skit
11. Jemur kain, angkat kain
12. Iron baju (Has anyone invented the machine yet?)
13. Practice interview questions
14. Mintak mak pesan CD Yoga / Pilates skit
15. Stretching skit, jalan kaki skit
16. Training bola skit - Control, maybe trap off wall x 20 ke, place bouncing ball ke, cut ke...
17. Gi baca paper tu - Gila ignorant aku 2-3 menjak tu, prihatin la skit kat dunia luar tu..
A holiday today, thank goodness. At least I get to pace them.
Bonus: (Kalau still bersemangat waja by end of day)
18. Vakuum rumah skit
19. Cuci bathroom skit
20. Baca my CA module skit
21. Skit-skit lama-lama menjadi bkit. Hehe
2. Lipat baju
3. Usha brochure Brissie
4. Settle claims - Medicare, MASCA
5. Book padang
6. Collect duit jersi
7. Pam bola
8. Ngaji skit
9. Cari spare part keta, check minyak hitam / brek / steering / air bateri
10. Kemas bilik skit
11. Jemur kain, angkat kain
12. Iron baju (Has anyone invented the machine yet?)
13. Practice interview questions
14. Mintak mak pesan CD Yoga / Pilates skit
15. Stretching skit, jalan kaki skit
16. Training bola skit - Control, maybe trap off wall x 20 ke, place bouncing ball ke, cut ke...
17. Gi baca paper tu - Gila ignorant aku 2-3 menjak tu, prihatin la skit kat dunia luar tu..
A holiday today, thank goodness. At least I get to pace them.
Bonus: (Kalau still bersemangat waja by end of day)
18. Vakuum rumah skit
19. Cuci bathroom skit
20. Baca my CA module skit
21. Skit-skit lama-lama menjadi bkit. Hehe
Balik kampung
AirAsia selling tickets for $62 one way! (exclusive fees, taxes, surcharges and extras). Bought mine, final bill came to $481, has to be the cheapest ticket I've paid ever! 25 Sep tolak, 9 Oct balik.
Yay!!!!!!! Ooooo balik kampung, ohohoi balik kampung, hati girang
Yay!!!!!!! Ooooo balik kampung, ohohoi balik kampung, hati girang
Friday, May 2, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Seloroh malam
Semalam aku mimpi Torres. Ji pun mimpi Torres. Tang tu dah ok dah, tapi takde lak kitorang mimpi Drogba score 2 biji. Haha, funny that
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