Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Hari ini aku balik lambat keje, sebab sibuk sikit. Biasa lah, nak kena submit BAS Statements and weekly reporting journals before tomorrow, so stay back skit. Dinner try la Nando's Chicken Steak tuh...ok gak, but I still prefer the ribs!!! Yumm...

Still lapar, so singgah kedai kebab beli kebab plate. Should be okay i think, kenyang pun kenyang, sihat pun sihat.


Aku menerima surat cinta daripada property manager aku, banyak gila comment pasal kebersihan rumah! (Weih, before semua org start meleter aku pasal kebersihan I'm gonna defend myself first...aku selalu vakum rumah!! Kalau time on-form tuh siap cuci dinding bilik air lagi!!)

Heheh, it triggers bad memories of the past time Campus Lodge dulu. Warden tegas nak mampus, org dah vakum rumah, and siap lap debu2 kat ceruk bilik lagi, dia still boleh comment "Your house is Unhygienically Unacceptable". What, you're inferring my house as a fly dump??? It is true that the cleanliness level left much to be desired (baca old post) but sekali tu je. Cuci macamana pun dia still tak puas hati gak, last2 panggil professional cleaner. Pas tu bukan ada beza pun!!!! Org dah kata old stain, old stain lah, takleh tanggal nak buat camana, letak clorox kang hancur lantai, so scrub sabun biasa je le... Grrrrrrr....

Dulu George, sekarang Priscilla pulak (one of my friends will remember "Fiona" when he reads this hehehe). Macam2, oh well, better start cleaning up this weekend them. Grrrr, "Unhygienically Unacceptable", my foot!!!!

Selamat malam rakan2.

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