Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Backdated entries: Raya 2008
1) After solat raya: Saufi, Fazrin, Abu, Me, Afif, Johan, Anhar, Zaiful, Ridzuan, Hazri.
2) Me and my brother, Abu. I can't stress enough his priceless ability to tell jokes and short stories. Keeps my serious and lone-ranger character in check. Vital stuff. You rock bro.
3) Lepas solat raya lagi
Dari kiri (Berdiri): Fariz, Joghos, Zaiful, Mango, Apit, Baloo, Katek, Rakim, Fazren, Jejaka Usrah, Faris, Rahim, Jejaka Songkok, Abu, Soul, Malik, Ji (Hidden) , Jo, Arepbayor, Jejaka Raymos.
Dari kiri (Duduk): Dan, Me, Syed, Faiz, Tanpa Nama (Hidden)
Depan: Mat Rock.
Hujung Kanan: Mat Selit (nak menyelit masuk gambar)
4) Beraya rumah Abg Sharizal - Ika, Apit, Aiza, Aku (Hidden), Mango, Anas, Abu, Fariz
5) Beraya rumah En Wan MAS: Abu, Fadil, Apek, Fehi, Ami, Jejaka Toleh Kanan, Zara, Amy
6) Gadis-gadis Brisbane (Damn, memang aku tak kenal 1/2 of them la ni). Hoh, semua lawa2, tunggu apa lagi?
Berdiri dari kiri: Intan, Tasia, Gadis Biru, Jerry, Gadis Pink, Ika, Zu, Aiza, Gadis Ungu, Gadis Berbaju Hitam, Gadis Ungu 2, Gadis Pink 2, Ami, Gadis Biru Muda, Gadis Biru Tua Sikit, Gadis Putih.
Duduk dari kiri: Denise, Amy, Gadis Filipino, Zara, Dila
7) Open house raya MASCA, i.e Hari Melantak. Beribu2 lemon, tak caya usha gambar bawah.
8) Tgh serve makanan kat segerombolan manusia. Aku dengan semangatnya bergotong-royong sementara tetamu2 di atas bergotong-boyot.
Aku, Alan, Baloo, Apek, Faiz, Jejaka Kamera.
9) Setelah beberapa jam menjadi "Pakcik Dining Hall", aku lepak join bebudak makan. Good to see many friendly faces.
From left: Ika, Me, Zara, Tasia, Anas, Jerry, Amy
10) Bergambar kat luar pulaak...
Blkg: Mango, Ika, Aiza, Amy, Luqman, Alun, Faiz
Depan: Jerry, Zara, Aku, Tasia, Mat Rocks!, Abu
11) Geng2 lelaki Brisbane di open house yang sama
Left to Right: Abu, Haze, Mango, Rocks, Umar, Me, Anas, Sunglass Man, Aziz, Zul.
12) Habis!!!!!! Clean up after open house over.
Back: Baloo, Diyana, Bin, Azalea, Cik Tie, Azrina, Katek
Front: Karen, Apek, Umar, Johan, Aku, Smiley Guy.
Mati hidup semula
HOI HOI HOI!!!! I'm back!!!!!!
Terlebih dahulu ampun2 beribu2 ampun, sembah patik harap diampun. For the last 4 months, I've been really busy with work / study / survival in this country that is now Brisbane.
Plan asalnya is nak letak gambar2 raya, tapi aku sempat2 nak upload gambar to my laptop. Tu yang kasi delay sikit tuh. But insyaallah, jika tiada aral melintang, I will definitely do my best to keep you guys informed of what I'm up to.
Hehe, got some catch-up entries to do.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Peringatan part 2
Dlm sebuah hadis, ada menyebut perihal seekor syaitan yang duduk di atas pintu rumah. Tugasnya ialah untuk menanam keraguan di hati suami terhadap kesetiaan isteri di rumah dan keraguan di hati isteri terhadap kejujuran suami di luar rumah. Sebab itulah Rasulullah tidak akan masuk rumah sehingga Baginda mendengar jawaban salam dari isterinya. Di saat itu syaitan akan lari bersama-sama dengan salam itu.
Hikmat Ayat Al-Kursi mengikut Hadis-hadis:
1) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi bila berbaring di tempat tidurnya, Allah SWT mewakilkan dua orang Malaikat memeliharanya hingga subuh.
2) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir setiap sembahyang Fardhu, dia akan berada dalam lindungan Allah SWT hingga sembahyang yang lain.
3) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir tiap sembahyang, dia akan masuk syurga dan barang siapa membacanya ketika hendak tidur, Allah SWT akan memelihara rumahnya dan rumah-rumah disekitarnya.
4) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir tiap-tiap shalat fardhu, Allah SWT menganugerahkan dia setiap hati orang yang bersyukur, setiap perbuatan orang yang benar, pahala nabi2, serta Allah melimpahkan rahmat padanya.
5) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi sebelum keluar rumahnya, maka Allah SWT mengutuskan 70,000 Malaikat kepadanya - mereka semua memohon keampunan dan mendoakan baginya.
6) Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir sembahyang, Allah SWT akan mengendalikan pengambilan rohnya dan dia adalah seperti orang yang berperang bersama Nabi Allah sehingga mati syahid.
7) Barang siapa yang membaca ayat Al-Kursi ketika dalam kesempitan niscaya Allah SWT berkenan memberi pertolongan kepadanya.
Dari Abdullah bin 'Amr r.a., Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda, 'Sampaikanlah pesanku biarpun satu ayat....'
'Utamakan SELAMAT dan SEHAT untuk Dunia-mu, utamakan SHOLAT dan ZAKAT untuk Akhirat-mu'
Friday, September 5, 2008
Peringatan ringkas di bulan Ramadhan - petikan
Article talks about qiamullail i.e bangun kol 3-4 pagi untuk solat, which is very beneficial but hard to do. Slightly edited to make it easier to read.
Hopefully time Ramadan nih bolehlah diamalkan banyak skit, moga2 kita semua akan dapat yang terbaik daripada Allah s.w.t
Tahajud bina kekuatan jiwa, peribadi unggul
Oleh Masmawi AbdullahFIRMAN Allah bermaksud:
“Wahai orang yang berselimut, bangunlah sembahyang tahajud pada waktu malam, selain dari sedikit masa (yang tak dapat tidak untuk berehat). Iaitu separuh dari waktu malam, atau kurangkan sedikit daripada separuh itu. Ataupun lebihkan (sedikit) daripadanya: dan bacalah al-Quran dengan ‘Tartil’ (perlahan-lahan). Sesungguhnya Kami akan menurunkan kepadamu perkataan yang berat (wahyu yang mengandungi perintah yang berat). Sesungguhnya sembahyang dan ibadat malam lebih kuat kesannya (kepada jiwa), dan lebih tetap betul bacaannya”. (Surah Al-Muzzammil, ayat 1-6)
Umat Islam dianjur melaksanakan qiamullail (tahajud) pada bahagian akhir malam sebagai manifestasi kesyukuran kepada Allah atas segala nikmat-Nya yang begitu banyak dikurniakan kepada kita. Sesungguhnya solat pada akhir malam akan melahirkan kekuatan jiwa, memperkukuhkan keinginan dan azam untuk patuh serta taat kepada Allah.
Beribadat dan bermunajat kepada Allah pada malam hari, di kala insan lain sudah lama nyenyak dibuai mimpi indah. Ia suatu gambaran keikhlasan kepada Allah dan seterusnya membebaskan diri dari sifat riak yang boleh membakar seluruh amalan kebajikan.
Bermunajat dengan melaksanakan tahajud pada malam hari mengecewakan syaitan yang tidak jemu menggoda dengan pelbagai bisikan dan mendodoi manusia supaya terus lena hingga ke pagi hari.
Sabda Rasulullah SAW bermaksud:
“Ketika kamu tidur, maka datanglah syaitan dengan mengikat ubun-ubunmu dengan tiga ikatan. Dan apabila ia terjaga dengan menyebut nama Allah, maka terlepaslah satu ikatan, jika ia terus berwuduk maka terlepaslah ikatan kedua, kemudian apabila diikuti dengan solat Qiamullail, maka terlepaslah ikatan yang ketiga dan pada waktu pagi berada dalam keadaan segar dan giat, jika tidak berbuat demikian, maka akan kencinglah syaitan dalam kedua-dua telinganya.” (A-Misykuh)
Rasulullah SAW sentiasa mengingatkan kita berhati-hati supaya tidak diperdayakan syaitan laknatullah, jiwa yang tergoda dengan syaitan akan timbul sifat malas untuk melaksanakan ibadat, hati menjadi keras dan liat untuk mendengar serta mendekati ilmu keagamaan.
Daripada Ibnu Mas’ud katanya,
“Sudah disebut perihal lelaki di hadapan Nabi SAW. Katanya, lelaki itu berterusan tidur hingga subuh dan tidak bangun sembahyang lalu Nabi bersabda: “Sesungguhnya lelaki itu dikencing oleh syaitan di dalam telinganya.” (Hadis riwayat Syaikhan dan an-Nasa’i)
Oleh demikian, menghidupkan malam hari dengan bertahajud dan bermunajat kepada Allah akan mendapat kasih sayang dari Allah dan kasih sayang Allah itu terpancar dari-Nya melalui sikap serta tindakannya.
Segala sikap dan tindakannya sentiasa di dalam pemeliharaan Allah, yang seterusnya orang lain pula apabila melihatnya akan timbul perasan kasih dan hormat akibat pancaran kasih sayang Allah kepadanya.
Firman Allah bermaksud:
“Dan (dengan yang demikian) bersabarlah (wahai Muhammad) menerima hukum Tuhanmu (memberi tempat kepada mereka), kerana sesungguhnya engkau tetap terselamat dalam pemeliharaan serta pengawasan Kami. Dan bertasbihlah menemui Tuhanmu semasa engkau bangun. Dan juga hendaklah engkau bertasbih kepada-Nya pada waktu malam, dan ketika bintang-bintang tenggelam (pada waktu subuh)”. (Surah al-Thur, ayat 48-49)
Allah menyediakan banyak pengurniaan-Nya terhadap orang yang sanggup menukar tempat tidur dan masa istirehatnya, tilam yang empuk, bangun dalam kesejukan untuk bersuci dan terus beribadah kepada Allah, dijanjikan kedudukan yang terpuji baik di dunia mahupun akhirat.
Sejarah lampau membuktikan bahawa Salahuddin Al-Ayubi seorang pemimpin tentera Islam dalam peperangan Salib hanya memilih orang yang mengerjakan qiamullail untuk bertempur di medan peperangan kerana mereka ini memiliki kekuatan jiwa dan keteguhan peribadi yang tinggi. Hasilnya, pihak Islam menang dalam peperangan itu.
Dalam satu hadis Rasulullah SAW menjelaskan bahawa barang siapa bersolat pada malam hari dengan sanggup bersengkang mata melaksanakan solat tahajud, Allah akan memberi sembilan kurniaan kepadanya. Lima kurniaan di dunia dan empat lagi di akhirat.
Sabda Rasulullah SAW, daripada Umar bin al-Khattab yang bermaksud: “Barang siapa yang mengerjakan solat malam, dan dia membangunkan solat, maka Allah memuliakan dia dengan sembilan perkara: Lima perkara di dunia dan yang empat lagi di akhirat.
Oleh itu, marilah sama-sama kita menyahut tawaran Allah untuk bangun menunaikan qiamullail iaitu ganjarannya terlalu besar nilainya, lebih besar dan bernilai dari dunia ini dan segala isinya. Janganlah sampai ayam yang tidak berakal itu lebih pintar dan lebih baik daripada kita. Seperti nasihat Luqmanul Hakim kepada anaknya, “Wahai anakku, janganlah engkau tidur di kala ayam jantan berkokok pada waktu fajar.”
9 kemuliaan solat Tahajud
1- Dia dijaga oleh Allah daripada beberapa bencana.
2- Berkat ketaatannya, akan nampak pada wajahnya.
3- Dia disukai oleh hamba Allah yang soleh dan oleh semua manusia.
4- Ucapannya mampu mengeluarkan kata-kata yang penuh hikmah.
5- Diberi cepat mengerti dan mendapat ilmu pengetahuan.
6- Dia dibangunkan dari kubur dengan wajah yang putih berseri.
7- Diringankan hisabnya.
8- Melalui titian siratul mustaqim bagaikan kilat yang menyambar.
9- Diberi buku catatan amalannya melalui tangan kanannya di hari kiamat.
(Raudhatul Ulama).
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
26 Ogos Merdeka exam!
31 Merdeka negara! Yeehaaa!!!!!!
Huh, never thought that would end. Exam ok la tadi, boleh jawab soalan dia. But definitely not enough time to do everything, resulting on strategic attacks to critical questions to limit the damage. We'll see how we go, hopefully ok. Would hate to have to do supp / repeat the whole sem, that definitely throws all sorts of spanners into the works.
Did I learn plenty? You bet. There's definitely questions flying everywhere, but apparently it did seem a bit straightforward at times. Some of the questions were even adaptation of CLP worked examples / focus session questions. I could have sworn my seniors told me last year's paper was hellishly more difficult than that. Well, count myself a bit lucky then (just a bit, not too much).
Having said that, I'm free. Did some productive stuff after exam (must do it before the next form slump arrives..)
- Haircut at my favourite Toowong barber shop. ($10 je and nice results too, for a guy that is. Girls can ignore this and continue subscribing to their $100+ hairstylists)
- Basuh keta, makeup keta and vakum keta. Terjumpa jam aku yang hilang 1 tahun!!!!!! Yariba!!!
DR Watch $100
CR Asset recovery $100
- Melepak. Lepak is an awesome 5-letter word.
Need to catchup with plenty of other equally important stuff:
1) Parents nak dtg, therefore wajib kemas rumah / bilik / keta / iman lest you experience the fury of an angry mum. Tak sangka, dah 25 tahun pun masih takut dgn mak sendiri. Hai....
2) Sambung balik fitness training for MASCA tahun depan. Lama tak jogging, gym and swimming. Need to recover full fitness levels again.
3) Help out brother with uni stuff, crucial...I promised a few special ppl I'd take responsibility for this assignment.
4) Main bola sampai pengsan. Main guitar hero sampai pengsan. Layan EPL sampai pengsan. That should take me straight from Friday night to Monday morning. How's that for planning?
Monday, August 11, 2008
Supermassive black hole
2) Macamana nak guna video call?
3) Macamana nak cek email kat handphone?
Help is much appreciated. Thanks.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Had 3 big work assignments to finish before Sunday night. First one's almost done, if not for the server crashing down when I've almost finalised. Damn you PeopleSoft!!! The other two might take up the whole weekend, given 1) I've never used Peoplesoft and 2) I've never done a consolidated reconciliation for rates and 3) I've never used Peoplesoft to do bank recs, nasib baik utk company2 kecik je...a bit of respite there.
Frightening. Don't know how things will pan out in the next few weeks. Guess just take everything one at a time.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Hairan bin Ajaib
Before I went for my final CA focus session, I was experiencing all those sicky feelings of hatred, insecurity, fear and anger of being pushed around by an annoying module. Feelings yang amat asing dgn diri aku yg biasanya couldn't be bothered ni.
That created a really foul mood and a clouded mind by the time I reached the ICAA building, where the classes were held. Even the trip up the lift was an excuse to be cranky (e.g - "Eeeee, tingginya tingkaaaatttt!!! Aku benci naik lif tinggi2!! Boleh tak buat tinggi sampai langit terus alang2 tu!!!)
But, don't know what suddenly happened. By the time the class is over, I went out with feelings of hope, safety and optimism. Must be the sweets my tutors handed out. Must be my colleagues who seem to know no better than I do, but still keep a positive attitude. Must be the assuring voice of my tutors, coupled with valuable exam tips shared by everyone in class. Might be even the firm handshake that Michael, my facilitator gave me while saying "Good luck mate", with a confident smile. "You'll be fine", says Nicole, the other instructor.
Hahaha. Tiba2 semangat nak study balik. Life's funny that way.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Job well done, captain
That's another 1.88%, so in total that's 0/8 + 5/8 + 5/7 + 6/8 = 16/31 = 52% (a Pass!!!!). Not a bad job, given I got 0 for my first quiz, that helped my cause a lot.
Almost killed myself, ended up doing daily 2 hour after-work studies and 12 hour days on weekends and I still don't understand some of those stuff.
Don't get me wrong. I really enjoy learning accounting, and it has been very pivotal in increasing my financial knowledge substantially, but tolonglah, is there anyone who can write the standards in plain English? The sentence structures are just shocking. At best, archaic and at worst, total nonsense. I'm guessing lawyers share the same view as I do.
Sample sentence:
Derivative Definition
A derivative is a financial instrument or other contract with all three of the following characteristics:
· its value changes in response to the change in a specified interest rate, financial instrument price, commodity price, foreign exchange rate, index of prices or rates, credit rating or credit index, or other variable, provided in the case of a non-financial variable that the variable is not specific to a party to the contract (sometimes called the ‘underlying’);
Notice the bolded part? Try understanding that. Now imagine another hundred of phrases similar to that, and you've only got 2 weeks (minus work, eat, sleep) to make sense of them before the next quiz and study session. That's what I had to go through, and it felt like absolute hell. Glad to get it done and over with, and still surviving in one piece. Ah lega.
Apa-apa hal pun, I'm very happy with the result, seriously! There's a whole bunch of people I need to thank. Housemate, thanks for your lecture notes / books / references, helped clarify heaps of stuff. Thanks to my senior accountants for explaining what some of the terms meant. (My very busy Group Finance Manager even made time to explain the above paragraph to me, so that's awesome!!). Most importantly, all you guys for giving me encouragement to not give up and keep working on it non-stop.
Admittedly, there's still bucketloads to be done. Exam in 3 weeks, so kena increase intensity lagi. That's alright, sesungguhnya untuk setiap kesusahan pasti ada kesenangan. All in all, great teamwork guys. Thanks heaps.
P.S - Tasia, kek kau sedap gila. Bersemangat waja aku nak buat quiz lepas tu.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
What a great weekend!!!
It's one of those days where all those little things created a steady accumulation of positive till end of day, leaving me with a good night's sleep and waking up feeling all light and fired up on a Sunday morning.
Eventful gila, pagi sampai ptg belajoooo je banyak2 with my bro, managed to cover a whole lot of material alhamdulillah. Abu siap masak American Breakfast lagi (don't let the name fool you, it's just fried calamari, fried eggs and fried sausages). Also spent the afternoon borak2 habis with him about family + makcik-pakcik stories back home. Covered politics too. Hoi, bila masa adik aku ikut isu2 dunia nih, siap tunjuk video2 youtube lagi!! Selama nih dia tahu fikir pasal diri sendiri saja, what a vain guy!!! Funny that, macam tak percaya dia dah 18. You rock bro.
Also we called mum + dad, saja seronok pasang loudspeaker kuat2 pas tu menyakat si Juju ngan si Ali. They might come end of month. Awesome. Great family we have, hope it stays that way insyaallah.
Kul 4 main training bola ngan postgrad. We're gonna have a friendly match with undergrads, and I've blatantly betrayed my team by joining the abang2. Menarik ah, main ngan orang baru, dah la tak bahagi team ikut kaler, pening kepala je nak defend. Last2 aku clear je semua bola.
Abu scored 2 on debut, hebat. Aku pun tak penah score, kecuali own goal!! Saw a few promising players in midfield, defence and attack. Ada yg challenge memang keras, so might be a good match although I have faith in the undergrads led by Anas (siap la aku tackle korang semua time defend hehe)
Speaking of defending, Brissie's got a new guy coming!!! Main bola, main piano, keje...hoi hoi hoi, ada kaki la...member Amar, dapat keje engineer kat sini. Very nice to meet your acquaintance, I hope you'll be able to contribute to QLD football as much as you can mate!
Ptg tu layan Bledisloe Cup, Wallablies-All Blacks. All Blacks menang, 39-10!!!! Richie McCaw ruleeeezzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!
- McCaw and the gang -
Malam tu bawak my bro dinner Salt and Battery. Verdict? Reckon he loved it when he cleaned up everything to the last chip. Balik rumah, tido sat, tetiba rumahku dikunjungi oleh the usual suspects (Ji, Ika, Jerry, Tasia and Hez). Selamat dtg!!! Layan wrestling jap (plus kutuk2 their poyoness)
Pas tu kitorang layan some game called LIFE. LIFE???? Itu game time aku time kecik kot!! It's a Monopoly-like board game where you start by spinning the wheel ("Saya putar ya Halim!"), going through life events (good and bad), taking different options and speculating on some occasions. When you reach the finish line, everyone accumulates their net worth and the person with the most is the winner.
Great game, I took a bucketload of risks which made my game a memorable one. Achievements included:
- Becoming a $80,000 salaried veterinarian
- Acquired a Tudor as a starter home, and upgraded that to a Mansion. (I have to put the kids somewhere)
- Got married and had 5 kids. 3 laki 2 pompuan. The car's too full, wife often ends up being accidentally thrown out many times...banyak sgt berleter kot hehe.
- Gambled in the risky part of life. Won $500K, but also lost $350K. Loved the adrenalin rush everytime I put in my bets. (Main2 saja, bukan betul ok?)
- Sponsored a bunch of African kids, and also forked out $300K for children's college. Hisy budak2 nih, buat mengabihkan bogheh je.
- Had in-laws visiting (leave me alone!!!) and became a grandfather.
- Got sued a few times, and lost $300,000 in the process. My bro had lawsuit immunity, lucky dingo.
Ended up 2nd place with a net worth of $1.8 million. Jerry menang 1st ($1.9M), and celebrated victory by shouting "IN YOUR FACE!!!!" literally in front of my face. Tak guna punya Doktor, hahahaha....
Abu with $0.9M kept complaining about why his Lawyer life is so uneventful. Tasia and Ika also did well despite being fired from their high-profile college jobs, and had to survive on a low-earning career as an athlete and mechanic respectively. Great game people.
Nak tido....esok sambung belajo, kuiz due malam ni, wish me luck!! I hope you guys had equally good days as well. Always nice to have em once in a while..
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Bonus mark!!!!!
Hooohoooiii!!!! (Clenched fists...) Maju!!! Setiap markah penting!!!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Unreal, but if it is, this guy is sheer genius..
Normally, I tend to just read, but I thought I'd share this one because of the sheer feat done by our ex-PM. (Not that I'm pro Mahathir / anti Mahathir, but I'm highlighting an achievement that's worth learning from.)
Let me summarise it into a few quick points:
1. During the peak of currency crisis, Mahathir was in Buenos Aires.
2. Upon hearing that, on the spot he called Nor Mohamad to fly out to Argentina (normal people would've waited to come back first and settle problems in a more familiar environment)
3. As is, Mahathir doesn't know much about the nature of the problem, and given his busy schedule, he only had 2 hours to understand the complexity of world financial markets mechanism.
4. Nor Mohamad told everything he knew, and Mahathir did nothing but listen, with 1 or 2 questions. Nothing else.
5. Mahathir asked Nor Mohamad to write it all on paper, and pass it to him at dinner.
6. By tomorrow, Mahathir has already understood the whole situation, how the financial markets work and why Malaysia is experiencing the crisis.
7. From then, he was able to discuss various solution models with Nor Mohamad (and MTEN) as if he was already a well-versed expert in the subject.
The rest is history. Instead of taking the IMF loan, we took the path less travelled. Lowered interest rates, fixed the currency, banned overseas ringgit trade and imposed capital controls. Currency stability was reached, and a potentially devastating crisis was averted.
Learning in 2 hours...that's just phenomenal. I studied commerce for 3 years and am still struggling with the intricacies of finance. Superb effort. Bangga aku sebagai rakyat Malaysia sekejap.
Full article in this hyperlink, for those wishing to read more.
Ceria mesra bersangkalaka
- Lawan Jepun, menang 2-1. Gol2 semua dijaringkan oleh orang Malaysia sahaja. Heheh, meaning ada orang score own goal la tu..teka sapa??
- Habis weekend bawak adik aku kena sana sini uruskan dia nyer benda2 uni. Sebab enrol lambat, therefore had problems with si-net, myuq and blackboard. Wasn't able to get any lecture notes / tute questions until middle of week 2. There's a Law quiz due this Friday already. Don't know how he's gonna fare, but told him to read whatever he can, so by the time he actually gets those lect notes and tute qs, he'd understand the jargon and breathe a bit easier.
- Been pounded with work as well, since my senior accountant left. Had to step up to his role and understand all the stuff he passed me into a meaningful, organised framework of info. Trying to get the gist of the sitch at the moment. Currently doing well so far, see what happens.
- Still pounded with CA module as well. Was able to get a consistent study rhythm running, despite distractions happening throughout the week. Insyaallah akan berjaya kalau niat tuh ikhlas, amin.
See you guys.
P.S - Promise to put some pics / decorations to lighten up this blog. As the owner, I have to admit even I'm starting to get slightly turned off by the display of my own blog. Ta...
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Dealing with Crisis
2) Prioritise on the weakest - Sheer lack of knowledge
3) Spend all resources to fix it - Get AASB, do all exercises ASAP, understand unit 4
4) Repeat until everything solved to best of ability - Catch up other units.
Donno how I'd do that, but I'll start with Unit 4 and then go from there.
Better write these down, if not, I'll just forget.
Baru habis kuiz CA aku, 4/7 right (1 betul pun tembak je sebab tak cukup masa). Jahanam, terasa bodoh kali kedua, grrr....Ingat dia test topic as is, rupa2nya dia boleh siap gabung lak prinsip2 from previous modules. Cinabeng......Satu lagi question lak dgn biadabnya menanyakan pasal calculating a defined benefit plan, never done that before in my life or in the focus sessions. That came from absolutely nowhere, knocking me off my feet and putting me out senseless for the next few days. Gotta recover before the 4th session. This is super duper bad....
So far performance aku from quizzes = 0/8 (tak buat, taktau ada quiz, rugi sungguh) + 5/8 + 4/7 = 9/23 = 3% out of 7.5% = 40%. That's a FAIL.
Now I'm starting to have serious doubts on whether I can even pass the subject. FIN 208 is absolute murder, I have got to do something. If not, I might be heading towards the barrel of failure.....Help.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Spent the evening preparing for my CA focus session. In process listening my workmates throw out some random jokes here and there. Hahahahaha!!!! You guys rock.
Pegi CA focus session malam tu. Terasa macam orang bodoh. Jawapan aku semua salah, pas tu aku asyik kena perangkap ngan semua trick question dalam modul. Esok ada kuiz due, next focus session (grilling session) in two weeks time and aku kena present jawapan! Topic?? Accounting for financial instruments!!! Damnn......Exam 28 August, uffff, macamana nak buat nih?? Oh well, bertapa kat rumah je la kot from here on.
Fainna ma'al usri yusra..
On the bright side, housemate aku masak kari ayam tahap sempalit. Kenyang gila, sengih balik aku. Not a bad way to end the day. At stumps, its 2 for 234.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Weekend yang chill dan relaks
Ahad - Pegi Super Amart, beli tilam for my bro who's coming next Saturday!!!!! Woohoo!!! Suruh diorang hantar sebab tak muat keta, lalu dicas $66 for delivery, erk....Oh well, one off so I reckon that's fine. Dah lama tak shopping tilam, seghonok lak aku baring lama2 melayan kelembutan deluxe plush mattresses kat situ.
Also got a new comforter set, beli kat Woolies. There're 3 choices: Pink (Sekian terima kasih...), Blue (Jgn nak ngada, aku dah ada blue dah) and Brown (Yup, that'll do). Had pizza for lunch, kenyang sampai malam.
After that gunting rambut, $10 kat Toowong. As cheap as you can get. Apparently the shop belongs to a nice Middle East / Turkish / Lebanese guy who got all his daughters (Has to be, they look really alike) working there, which explains the bargain price. Been there thrice now, and it suits my requirement for "decent short @ no 4". Tambahan pula, daughter2 dia sungguh bersopan santun, suka senyum2 and have really nice hairstyles, so confident skit aku nak menghulur kepala aku. Ah, ringan je rasa kepala lepas sehabis tu, nak pk pun senang skit.
So Toowong Barber Shop, please keep up the good work. Positive employees attract happy customers. Loved the haircut, tolonglah jgn bankrupt, maklumlah small business...
While my hair was being cut, for some reason it triggered some story about my childhood, pretty funny...aku rasa selain parents aku, 1-2 org je tahu pasal benda nih kot. Lain kali lah aku cite, one at a time ok fellas?
Ptg tuh layan tido sat. Then I got a nice visit from Ji, Ika and Jerry. Layan kejap Game Lord of The Rings, hahaha seronoknya lama tak layan game2 cam nih since Diablo (Mapen kau still hafal rune2 combination?? TIR RUUUUUUNNNNE!!!!!!! Ahahah)
Malam tuh ada kuiz, so study je lah. Suddenly, quiz deadline extended to tomorrow night, yahoo! Boleh la study lagi skit then buat sok. (Some people just to get it over with, but I think it's worth spending another day, just my opinion).
And yes, happy birthday Ali Imran adik aku!! Dah 10 tahun kamu eh, ingat baby lagi. Manja mengalahkan anak kucing. Today he's been ordering Juju to bake a cake for him, spoilt brat. He's also been pestering mum for Tasmanian Oysters today, because he loved the ones at Salt and Battery when they came to Brissie. Therefore, dgn selamba riangnya mak aku berkata, "Nih kamu la ni bang, sapa suruh belanja oysters hari tu." WHAT!!!!! That came out of nowhere. Oh well, biarlah, menyakat lagi la tu as usual. Hai, mak aku nih...
Good night, gotta work tomorrow. Love my work.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Fascinating - worth a read...
An 18-year old girl (in 2004, now she's around 22) from Tamparuli (A place in Sabah, there's a nice song about the bridge I like to play)
She chronicles her experiences during her 3-month national service. I loved it because it's very well balanced, full of substance, not too emotional, well-articulated and portrays outstanding maturity levels beyond her age!!
Big deal for me, given I've never been in NS before. It's got absolutely everything. The good, the bad and the ugly. (Make that superbad and superugly...)
Anyway, sapa ada masa baca lah.. fascinating gila!!! (bagi aku lah..)
Good night everyone. Hope you're all alive and happy out there.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Keje weekend
Ni yg rasa nak dtg keje tiap2 sabtu ni, heheheh
Thursday, July 17, 2008
2 mimpi pelik
2 - Yg ni lagi pelik... Aku tgh lepak kat some majlis keramaian dekat2 sekolah rendah aku, tetiba aku jumpa mak aku..Apparently she's wanted to matchmake me with a girl she knew. (WOOPPPP!!!!!!!!)
Namun, hajat tak kesampaian. Belum sempat nak tgk rupa si gadis itu, aku seraya terjaga tetiba2, sebab alarm handphone aku berbunyi...citpoodah...
At least kalau tak kerana keje pagi tu boleh le aku sambung tido (mana tau mimpi tuh sambung balik, you know what I mean?)
Oh well, till then, Mrs "Girl with No Face"....
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
- Segerombolan jejaka di Guyatt Park, Barbeque Umno (probably) -
Dari kiri: Snowboard, Kuyut, Fariq, Jemay, Apai, Luqzan, Remy, Hasfuan, "Mystery guy", Adnan, aku.
P.S - Take note of my dishevelled hairstyle, plus the poor fashion sense, now that's dressing to shock in its purest form.
Never fails to make me smile everytime I see this pic. Hahaha, rindunya zaman sengal dulu2.
Monday, July 14, 2008
It reconciles...
Sunday, July 13, 2008
CA assignment
And there's also part A as well, the theory questions and backing em up with AASB legislations and doing journal entries where relevant. Tax effect accounting, that's an ouch...
Definitely look to close in on 12 hours by end of day today, starting to see numbers everywhere now. Maybe I am destined to be an accountant after all, hahahah!!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
After bergegasan seharian, pada pukul 4.45 pm adik aku selamat menerima an unconditional offer of entry to UQ.
We got the CRICOS number. Now we need to get the visa organised between now and 25/7/2008. That's 14 days, just enough time I reckon. Kelas start 21st July, he's gonna miss that.
But he'll attend uni starting 28/7/2008.
Credit to everyone in the family yang berhempas-pulas sejak 5 hari lepas trying to get everything in place. Now we rest for weekend and launch stage 2 on Monday. Juggling 20 things at the same time with constrained resources and time has never been so stretching. Project management at its very best.
Till then.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Postal service bodo!!!!! (Jgn baca kalau anda tak menyenangi luahan2 emosional)
Kitorang kena hantar application adik aku yg nak masuk UQ before end of July. Initially aku apply guna photocopied docs dulu, sebab bapak aku tgh hantar original through registered mail, so takpele..
The catch?? 2 minggu baru sampai.!!!!! Mangkuk sungguh!!!! WTF?? Menyampah menyengit!!! Ada la 2-3 hari lepas baru sampai, and then obviously UQ hantar conditional offer suruh kasi document original secepat mungkin. Kepala hotak kau, memang lah aku nak hantar original, tapi dah benda tuh tak sampai2, macamana aku nak hantar!!! Ni kang jgn nak menyalahkan aku lak bila adik aku tak sempat enrol sebab benda2 teknikaliti yg bodoh dan bangang sebegini. Mak aku dah risau dah rumah, aku pun takleh buat apa, doa je le banyak2.
Yang lebih menyusahkan lagi, postal service tuh bukan hantar kat rumah aku, dia hantar kat post office!! Abih tu, nak ambik bila?? Weekend P.O tak bukak, Uni pun tak bukak, pecite??? Nak ambik time weekday memang tak dapat lah, sekarang busy melampau2 sebab end of financial year, ambik cuti memang tak dapatlah, nak dtg lambat / balik awal nanti bos lak bising. Bodoh sungguh2...
Last2 aku terpaksa menyusahkan housemate aku, suruh dia lak jadi runner aku ke post office st lucia and then hanto ke UQ student centre esok pagi secepat mungkin...haiya, sudah meletakkan harapan kat org lain lak, antara benda2 yg aku paling susah nak buat dalam dunia. Apa boleh buat, sabar je le, jadi tak jadi tu ada la hikmah sebaliknya ye tak? Kita hanya mampu merancang but in the end tuhan jek yg menentukan...as long as we keep communicating with UQ Insyaallah they will understand.
Then when that minor glitch (oh guys, sorry to rap on but it has not finished yet!!) is resolved, kena buat visa pulak.....kena tunggu offer baru boleh buat, mana boleh main apply jek...nak apply lak kena tunggu between 2 minggu (paling cepat) - 1 month (paling lama), hari tu kena call UQ bertalu2 (dahla tanak kasitau status application adik kat aku, purely because bapak aku yg dinamakan "Delegate of Authority"...habih tu dia tinggal ngan aku, aku pun penting gak hape...). Skang nampak gayanya kena call DIMIA / Embassy lak bertalu2 sebab kesuntukan masa, and nak expedite benda nih secepat mungkin. Pas tu beli ticket, goodness knows ada ke tak tiket time2 cam nih, mintak2 ade la...kalau tak dah start lambat kan payah tu, nasib baik first sem, ada la leeway 1-2.
Yg menambahkan hanginnya, hari tu UQ kata nak tengok semua results baru boleh kasi offer, alih2 aku tanya sepam lagi, diorang kata ok and diorang akan kasi conditional offer asalkan we show up the results eventually. Pebenda nih?? Did I miss something??
Last but not least, UQ for some reason is still charging $9115 instead of $8000. Extra 1115 to covers OSHC (yang sucks, aku benci OSHC sebab sengal, medicare rules!!!) and application fee ($100, yang aku dah bayar, tapi tak tau apa pasal dia mintak sepam lagi, bengong)...Kena call Uq bertalu2 lagi la nih nak clarify mana nak bayo dan mana nak settle sendiri...
Final word, will go all out, full on to make this work. Would love to have my bro joining me, because I know he'll love it..I have faith in him, and know he's got the character to succeed.
Orientation? Takyah ah gi formal2 session tuh, aku settlekan jek in 2 days max. Easy cheesy peasy squeezy.
Lapang dadaku melepas geram, macam tulis diari saja hehe. Ok lah, nak tido...thanks guys / girls for reading / listening, you have a great day as well.. sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite okay?
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Budak ragbi MASCA 2008 QLD
Saturday, July 5, 2008
MASCA 2008 - awesome
2nd place Overall!! Great team effort
1) Tennis - Nana power gila
2) Volleyball - Zizul and Co gempak gila
3) Athletics - Apit, Jo, Hajar, Huda, Dila, Faris, Abu, Arul laju gila
4) Squash ladies - Hajar Snr power gila
5) Frisbee - Apek, Jo, Ron, Hajar and Co mantap gila
6) Badminton Ladies Doubles - Sherene and Donna best berabisan!!
7) Takraw - Arip dan rakan-rakan 'psycho'ed their way to a memorable gold medal. "Tekong, mari sini..." Ringing any bells?
Silver: Berlambakan, include:
1) Futsal girls - Kalah only because own goal. Bad luck.
2) Rugby - Apit hero gila, lari dari tepi lalu try kat tengah. But lost to NSW.
3) Ping - pong - Ayam tambatan, Zaki merangkul pingat perak yang baik.
4) Badminton - Mixed, good performance, lost ngan Victoria
5) Netball - Initially led by 2 goals, only for NSW to hammer in 3 goals in the last 5 minutes. Now that's heartbreak in its purest form.
Sengal: (Paling malas nak cakap sebab involve aku, but oh well...)
1) Bola padang - 4th!!! Kalah semi on penalties, what bad luck...good game though guys. 3rd place pun kalah!! Seriously, my heart is 100% there but buggeroo, my thighs and my calves just aren't.
Also scored the first goal of my MASCA career, unfortunately it went to the wrong side of the field. A routine attempt to clear a harmless cross went wrong when the ball flicked my outside foot, which magnificiently spun and swerved backwards into the far corner, leaving Ji with no chance. What th??????
2) Futsal - A tale of fatigue and no subs, where'd everyone go? Kalah QF, and I ended up walking out with a cramped calf, sad way to end a disappointing campaign.
3) Basketball - Ben the inspirational captain got injured causing a significant slump in the team. The rest is history.
Hypothetically (being a bit sour grapes here ok?), if we won bola padang and futsal, we would've had a genuine crack at being overall champions, since we didn't lose out by much versus NSW being defending champions again. But we didn't, and I personally thought I didn't play too well, and was simply unfit for tournament level. Definitely could've done better.
Oh well, what's happened has happened. Good thing is we still have most of the team (a young and promising team too!) to compete in NSW next year, so yeah, I would love to have another crack at bola and futsal. Will have a super duper bloody ripper of a crack...
For now, I've been spending my 3 days lying in bed like a dead man, while my leg muscles swell and shake uncontrollably. Even work colleagues could notice my dilated pupils and agonising limps from a mile away. Worth the effort though.
Final words, well done team!! Queensland Roar Queensland Roar Queensland Roar....
Ansar Masuri
Temasya Sukan Tahunan Pelajar-pelajar Malaysia 2008.
Monday, June 30, 2008
When they come of age...
Well done Spain. Awesome achievement, pegi keje pun tersengih2. Enough said. Now moving on to MASCA!
P.S - Sorry for the delayed post. I promised someone that I wouldn't post final results till the day after.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
What a nice day eh?
Woke up. Went to work, to prepare ahead for end of financial year. Spent half a day updating fixed asset registers for 2 Small and Medium sized entities. Had a good chat with workmates about plans for weekend, listened to music while wearing sports clothes to work. It is Saturday after all :)
Gi rumah Rahmat (member a.k.a fitness trainer), dia buat makan2. Orang lapar disorongkan nasi ayam dan mi goreng berempah, mmmppphhh!!!!! Cam biasa gunakan taktik buat2 malu, akhirnya end up menghentam 3 pinggan, abih tu banyak, kang tak habis kang membazeer....
Training bola petang tadi. Nice session, bit of defending, bit of attacking, bit of technicals here and there, try to make sure no one gets silly injuries before game. Had a good spar with the Indons, attack looked impressive but not too testing, since everyone's holding back on their tackles. Kalau main Football Manager, tackling mode = EASY.
La ni nak cari dinner, tapi tak ingat mana aku letak wallet. Nak kena cari ah ni. Maybe finish the night watching Wimbledon, competition getting interesting since Sharapova, Ivanovic and Djokovic crashed out. Good night guys, thanks for reading.
You guys rock, love you guys heaps!!!!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Worst Friday night ever
Nak tgk Wimbledon (Nana / Baloo / Ji - Federer menang kan?), delayed sampai lambat gila last2 aku tido.
Nak buat hot choc, marshmallow lak habis, demm...dahlah aku tak budget bebudak nak lepak rumah kalau tak aku beli banyak skit donut.
Akhir sekali, sebab takde sports nak tgk sgt kena layan some dumb "Irish hurling" game, ala-ala AFL yang menggabungkan bola, ragbi, basketball, handball dan lari membawa telur dalam sudu - sumpah aku nampak diorang bawak sudu main game nih. Siap boleh curi sudu opponent lagi!!! Dahlah diorang main stok serius gila, pas tu siap stadium penuh crowd lagi! Bodohnya, tengok game 20 mins rasa macam 2 hours.
On a positive note, thanks guys dtg rumah aku layan lawak2 sengal beramai2. Tergelak2 aku sampai tgh malam. You guys rock!!
P.S - Mat Pin - Aku tau skill fancy yang paling basic tuh apa...kahkahkah, kelako2, credit to amar ah ni...ada2 je idea mamat tu.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh..........tenang kembali seperti sediakala. Must be the sugar.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Spain - Russia -----> Woohooihooi, sengit nih. Come on Spain, penat sokong game Itali hari tu tak habis, skang kena sokong semi lak. Gila intense
Monday, June 23, 2008
Correspondence Part 2
- Team Effort -
Pasukan Bolasepak Sepanyol,
Bilik 14, Blok Mozart,
Perkampungan Sukan Ernst-Happel,
Daerah Vienna,
U.P - Encik Iker Casillas dan rakan-rakan
Selamat sejahtera,
Apa khabar saudara di sana? Harap-harapnya sihat walafiatlah, kami sekeluarga mengirimkan salam sayang kepada seluruh komuniti pemain di sana.
Tempoh hari, saya ada mengutus surat kepada adinda Villa mengucapkan tahniah, kini saya bertujuan sama, khususnya kepada saudara dan mereka yang lain. Tanpa usaha yang gigih dan kesabaran yang tinggi, pastinya kita tidak akan mencapai kedudukan istimewa sebegini.
1) Prolog
Harus diakui, mengalahkan pasukan Biru itu amat sukar. Dari mata kasar, mereka kelihatan lemah dan corot dalam pusingan awal. Namun, mereka terkenal dengan tabiat menggagahkan diri mereka pada detik-detik penting. Sesungguhnya, Biru akan melakukan apa yang cukup untuk menang, tanpa mengira cantik tak cantiknya kaedah itu. Berbeza dengan kita. Mencintai kesenian, justeru tersedak di saat-saat kritikal.
Biru mungkin pincang bakat, namun kelemahan itu mereka tutup dengan pertahanan yang kebal, bergelut keras dan mental yang amat kuat. Sentiasa berjaya menghancurkan kesabaran kita serta menghasilkan mentaliti bahawa kemenangan adalah mustahil. Dengan itu, kita meletup sendiri.
2) Jalan Kemenangan
Menewaskan musuh sebegini? Bisa, namun hanya satu jalan. Fokus setiap detik. Cabar setiap bola. Sabar, dan terus mencipta peluang sedikit demi sedikit. Pegang bola sebanyak mungkin. Paling penting bertahan dengan penuh kerajinan. Itulah kaedah yang telah kita gunakan, dan kita berjaya.
Harus diakui, takdir menyebelahi kita kerana ketiadaan (1) Si Biadab Pirlo dengan hantaran mautnya serta (2) Si Kerbau Gattuso yang sentiasa berniat ikhlas menghancurkan kaki-kaki kerdil para pemain kita. Namun dari pihak kita, kita lebih berusaha keras dan lebih laparkan kemenangan. Ini dimanifestasikan oleh jasa saudara menyelamatkan rembatan Si Jawa Camoranesi (a.k.a Wak Parjo Imam Besar Masjid Jakarta). Paling terbaik. Mereka juga mengerahkan Si Musang Tua Piero, tetapi tiada hasil. Akhirnya, kita seri 0-0 dan menuju penalti. Mimpi ngeri mengalahkan Freddy Kruger menjenguk kembali.
Tetapi, kita berjaya bertarung ke titisan darah terakhir. Jasa saudara menepis keluar dua peluru Biru membikin gila seantero Sepanyol. Dan pada saat adinda Fabregas meleretkan penalti pertama seumur hidupnya ke sebelah kanan, jeritan kemenangan berkumandang di udara. Sebuah bebanan lenyap dengan tiba-tiba. Sebuah batu dalam kepala kita, perlahan-lahan merekah, menghakis dan menjadi debu-debu halus, lalu hilang ditiup angin. Badi 88 tahun sudah tamat.
3) Epilog
Seperti yang saudara maklum, kemenangan sebegini pasti bikin sakit mata penyokong-penyokong neutral. Bosan, tiada seni dan tiada gol. Saya setuju. Namun dalam konteks ini, ia jauh lebih indah berbanding kemenangan 4-1 Russia tempoh hari. Saya lihat kesungguhan saudara sekalian bertarung. Pertahanan hebat penuh fokus sehingga tamat. Cubaan menghasilkan peluang dari serata padang. Paling penting, sabar dan sentiasa yakin bahawa kemenangan mutlak adalah milik orang yang berusaha. Jangan lupa faktor nasib, mungkin selama ini berpihak kepada Biru, barangkali sudah tiba masanya ia bertukar tangan kepada Merah.
Russia di separuh akhir? Itu kita fikir kemudian. Untuk masa ini, nikmatilah kejayaan manis ini dengan puas. Kemudian mulakanlah hari esok berbekalkan dada yang lapang. Sampaikan salam sayang saya kepada para pemain. Beritahu Tuk Nyang Aragones, jaga kesihatan tu sikit. Darah tinggi nanti. Balik kampung raya nanti saya singgah la makan ketupat pulut.
P.S - Tiba-tiba rasa ingin makan masakan Sepanyol...
Saturday, June 21, 2008
0 out of 3
- Hero Negara Rusia, Mr Andrei Arshavin (Gambar hak milik bbc.co.uk)-
So far, aku predict Portugal (kalah!!), Croatia (kalah lagi...), and Holland (kalah ajaib!!!)
Only one left, Spain. Adakah Torres and Co akan menumpaskan Italians-Italians itu? Atau adakah Itali akan meng'catenaccio'kan diorang sampai mati instead? What a cracking game we're gonna have. Come on Spain, come on Spain!!! (Menggenggam erat kedua2 buku lima)
Friday, June 20, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Housemateku balik Ahad ni
Apparently dia balik Malaysia sat, pegi jenguk2 adik dia kat sana.
So I'm gonna be alone for week. Fuh, sangap!!! (Not that I talk that much to my housemate anyway, but it's always nice to see someone else at home).
That's cool though. I've got work, studies , football training and Euro to keep me occupied. Then life should be back to normal. And then, MASCA!!!!!!!!!! Let the games begin!!!!
Euro Quarter-final
Croatia vs Turkey (Budget Croatia)
Holland vs Russia (Budget Holland)
Spain vs Italy (Budget Spain, kenapa oh kenapa lah kena jumpa team housemate aku awal2)
So far 0 out of 1 right. How will the rest of them pan out eh?
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Tribute buat dua member ku
Recently, another two of my friends (the very same people who once upon a time wouldn't even give two hoots about talking to girls, let alone bercintan2) have gone to the next level. So I think it would be nice to do a short tribute about them, since we used to be the greatest of mates.
Weih, btw member2 yg lain tuh pun best gak, tapi aku dah delete semua jemputan so aku dah lost track who marries when. Anyway here goes:
1) Mohd Firdaus bin Mahmud (Maos) - Budak Rumah Biru!!
Pandai gila dan alim gila. Orang Pahang, area Muadzam, first time jumpa dia time kelas 1R, selalu konfius muka dia ngan Mat Pin. (Biasalah, dulu aku nerd so selalu sgt konfius2 nih). Senyap tak banyak cakap, very softspoken guy. Eventually tinggal satu dorm ngan dia lagi time end of F1. Mamat ni amatlah pengemas, katil sentiasa tegang tahap baling bola hoki boleh lantun punya. Kalau katil dia kantoi inspection, anggaplah katil korang2 semua pun akan kantoi sama.
Tak suka merapu / mengutuk, tapi boleh layan gelak gila2 nya kalau budak2 start buat lawak2 bangang diorang. Kalau study tuh mesti top 10 jek, and also a great sprinter. Lari macam angin kencang, mengalahkan ribut Greg! Been my classmate for 5 years, so aku mmg tahu sgt hati budi dia.
Last time aku dgr cite dia kat UTP. Alih2 dapat kad. What the??? But then, I'm very2 happy for his marriage and hope it will stand the test of time. Good luck.
2) Tajul Ariffin bin Norizan (Tajul) - Budak Black
Budak nasyid, alim dan suka menyanyi. Very artistic as well, kalau bab menghias kelas / melukis poster / menambah kerawang entahapapatah tu dia lah yg selalu buat. (Aku ada tolong skit2 tapi jadi buruk gila, baik kasi dia je la..) Tu pun budak pandai yang baik gak, tapi macam biasa kalau bebudak2 buat lawak2 bahan diorang dia pun mesti join gelak sama, kadang2 siap tambah lagi!! Great guy, kalau lepak ngan dia mesti keluar 1-2 line dakwah nyer kan, huh, keinsafan..
Sukan pun main gak, terer dia main hoki tu. What an all-rounder.
Lepas SPM, dia sambung study German under PPP rasanya. Eloklah tu, bolehla dakwah org German belah sana lak. Dia, Tuah, Digun semua satu batch la tu. La ni, tak tau apa cita, pejam celik dpt kad jugak. So, again tahniah kepada Tajul, moga2 dicucuri limpah kurnia rahmat sampai bila2, amin.
They are awesome people, and I can only wish for happiness and enlightenment to be upon them till the last of their days. Amin...
Monday, June 16, 2008
Gila-gila remaja
Turkey's 2nd half fightback - Touching gila
Cech's 87 min clanger - Mangkuk gila
Nihat's winner - Macho gila
Last but not least, me not getting up for that match - Rugi gila!!!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Nice job
No 9, Lot 135 Felda Zorro,
43650 Villareal,
Ke hadapan saudara Villa yang berada di sana, semoga saudara sentiasa sihat sejahtera dan gembira selalu.
Saudara Villa,
Warkah ini sekadar bertanya khabar dan berterima kasih kepada saudara kerana menghidupkan harapan kami di saat-saat akhir, tika kegagalan kian hampir. Bagaikan guruh berdentum-dentum jeritan seantero rakyat dengan jasa saudara.
Semoga saudara terus bertempur gigih untuk masa-masa akan datang. Ingatlah Villa, sesungguhnya usaha tangga kejayaan. Minta diri dulu.
P.S - Sampaikan salam saya kepada kekanda Torres sekali ya? Rindukan orang-orang kampung di tanahair Ulu Sepanyol Hilir.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Malam ini
Ahad - Spain yang power vs Sweden yang stable - Go Spain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Sengihan Sepanyol
Friday, June 6, 2008
Macgyver is awesome!!
Guess what? When my family came lst time they got me a set of Macgyver series!! Season 1 to 5!!!! Bestnya!!
That guy has got to be my best hero ever, best invention since the wheel I reckon. I mean kalau korang tgk cerita2 moden sekarang semua pasal Forensic Investigation lah, Lawyers lah, Police lah.
Padahal this guy sempoi jek menyettlekan life-death situations with everyday equipments, and a great level of applied common sense. Respect gila:
Tak percaya? I end this entry by giving you situations where you need to solve these problems. See if you got a bit of Macgyver in you.
1) You are equipped with a binoculars (normal not fancy) and a pack of ciggys. Use that to get through a laser-filled room.
2) You have several bars of chocolate. Use that to fix a leaking tank containing concentrated sulfurik acid.
3) You're at a high-security complex guarded by many soldiers going in and out the main door. The door has a code, but you can't get anywhere within 100 metres to spy it, due to tight security. You have nothing but a newspaper, a watch and a magnifying glass. Solve the problem.
4) Last one, I like this one heaps. You're on the edge of a mountain cliff and there's nowhere else to run from a bunch of angry Central Asians. Invent a mini-rocket thruster when all you have is a gun, so you can launch yourself and parachute to safety.
I rest my case
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Weird of the week
- Mimpi 2: Tiba2 aku ada dalam bilik pas tu reunion ngan Haris, Tupak, Shikin, Fariq, Amar, Pin, Bijan, Hasfuan, Nurul ngan sapa2 tah lagi...huh, pelik2
Well, at least one of them made sense. Tupak dtg Brissie Sabtu nih, lepak sampai Rabu. Azman (Cloncurrian - pegi tgk blog dia weih...!) sampai esok malam. Huh, nice little reunion we got here.
Gambar (lamanya nak upload!!!)
Sapa boleh ajar aku upload gambar handphone to lappie, korang memang kacak / lawa. Cheers!!
Me, Mum, and Juju @ Inala (Kampung Vietnam - Pham Thanh Mhoe Tinhhh!!!!!)
My brother, Abu memodelkan jersi pasukan bolasepak QLD
Ali, budak paling kecik dlm family
Back with a vengeance
Ok, where do I start? Banyak nak catchup nih, cewah macam borak ngan member lama tka jumpa jek, padahal cakap dgn diri sendiri. Mmmm, ok got it...
Family aku selamat sampai malaysia isnin pagi keesokannya. Alhamdulillah, good to hear that, and good to know they really enjoyed their stay in Brissie for a week. Dengan berbekalkan sebiji refedex, sebuah kereta sewa hyundai accent and a sense of adventure, aku bawak diorang bejalan merata explore habis the whole brisbane area. Mt Coottha, Glasshouse Mountains, Ipswich, Toowomba, Sunshine Coast, Museum, Sciencentre, Art Gallery, Citycat. By end of week, aku dah pancit membawa ke sana ke mari but I felt really happy to be of service. Mum was smiling all the time, so I smile too. Simple as that.
Dahla tu, asal aku balik keje jek minggu tu, bukak2 pintu sudah ada baru kari..uhh wanginya, sejuk le rasa nak langkah kaki masuk rumah. Kalau tidak, letih siot nak masak lepas habis keje...ni keje aku balik makan terus, and then biasalah, woman's touch...tetiba ada lak jambakan2 bunga kat meja depan, tuko cadar/bedspread/comforter baru....eeeepppp!!!! but hey, nice job guys, well done!!!
They also brought bola jersey for QLD team tahun ni. Tema? Malaysia bebeh!! Kuning hitam harimau mengaum!! Rooaarrrr!!!!!! Sorang bayar $40 jek for the whole set, lawa2 tu, siap ada number ngan name skali...what a bargain, but a fair amount effort was put into that though...merata jalan the whole KL cari supplier yg boleh cari jersey for the whole team, sebab for some reason, diorang semua stok 1-2 jek, 10-20 takde...pelik2, anyway everyone loved it....wore tat for our 1st friendly against the Indons, and ended up winning 5-1!! Must be the jersey guys...great scott!!
Also had the chance to meet my sis's bf who came from Sydney. So sepanjang seminggu tuh borak2 lah ngan dia skit, saja get to know the person. So kalau kita gi mana2 tuh, kita ajaklah dia ikut skali, sembang2...as usual, mum does the rapport building while I do the listening / analysing. It's all tag team guys. In the end, it worked out well.. He seemed to be a good person, and nampak gaya macam bukan main2 punya orang lah..so, if things do get serious, i think it should be ok, based on first impressions. Lebih2 tu serah pada tuhan la, kita hanya mampu merancang ye tak?
Now I'm back at work and back blogging. Si Abu tak ikut, dia ada uni so next time lah dtg jumpa abang ok? Take care...
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Terima Kasih
Sekian terima kasih
Satu ribu
At least satu ribu benda berlaku lepas tu, tiba2 banyak gila benda berlaku, kehidupan aku jadi 100x lagi happening ngan tiba2, aku bercakap 100x lebih banyak berbanding biasa, so tiba2 terlampau banyak benda nak cerita and my mind felt too tired to articulate everything!!! So I'm just gonna summarise them in bullet points: Facts and emotions
- Makan banyak gila sampai pengsan, siap bawak bekal lagi pegi keje! Bestnya! Ada orang masakkan! Boleh bawak bekal pegi keje!!!!
- Bangun awal gila, tahu2 jek breakfast dah siap pas tu baju seluar dah siap berbasuh, berjemur dan berlipat. Woohoo!!!!!
- Keta sewa seminggu sebab keta aku baru jek siap semalam. Pegi workshop konon2nya nak collect tapi ada malaun mana tah parking depan keta aku, block jalan!! Camana nak keluar weh???
- Terperangkap dalam ofis selama 3 hari, while my family gi museum, library, city, makan kebab, fish and chips, aku lak reconcile accounts...what th?? Dahla month-end, gila struggle nak apply leave, terpaksa bekerja lebih gigih supaya boleh siap kerja2 in advance. Nasib baik bos lembut hati, dapat la chow. Jason Liew and Dave Morrison, you guys rock!!
- Gi Mount Coottha tadi pekena kopi, sok mungkin gi Moreton kalau tak hujan. Kalau hujan, e're buggered. Layan planetarium / herbarium / botany garden kat kaki bukit Mt Coottha kot..
- Met my sis's bf. Nice guy, i think i like him. I hope he likes me, that may be hard given i don't express emotions that much but see what happens.
- Happy gila, having your family here's always great! There's the mum who's always full of stories, your sister who's always loved you as her brother, and my baby bro who likes annoying the crap out of me, all in good fun. Ayah ngan Abu je tak dtg, kalau tak lagi kecoh la hidup aku
- Pening gila, biasanya hari aku nih senyap, tenteram and I have at least 18 hours of "Me-time" in a day. Tiba2 3 hari nih aku banyak bercakap / mendengar / berbincang / me'react' and always end up mentally exhausted albeit satisfied at the end of the day.
- Lega gila, parents sampai selamat. Padahal sebelum flight diorang boleh lupa langsung nak buat visa Aussie, seb baik boleh buat online. Kalau tak dah burn tiket dah. Dahla makcik information tuh kerek ngan mak aku, org tanya mana nak buat visa dia suruh buat kat embassy, banyak la kau!!! Flight lagi 1-2 jam je, pas tu bila tanya boleh buat online ke tak, dia tak nak mengaku kalah pulak, mangkuk sungguh. Last2 dapatla buat online, sampai gak sini. Alhamduliallah.
- Warm gila, always nice to have those long and meaningful chats with people you love. People who somehow remember those little things about yourself and details of events that happened 20 years ago, still fresh in mind as if all those memories are safely stored in a DVD and replayed back to rekindle fond nostalgics.
Life is good. And this post is massive. Good night guys!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
To do
Cuci siling
Cari related Brisbane brochure - Hafal, telan dan hadam
Study CA module
Tepuk tangan! Clap clap clap...
Friday, May 23, 2008
Keretaku part 2
Know what happened? Aku hantar keta aku Selasa, pas tu mekanik dah check, kata ada electrical problem. Apparently an ignition switch was not working well, causing the engine to sometimes start and sometimes not. Untung2 jalan, kalau tak tersadai je le kat garage. Supposed to be a straightforward job, involving an auto-electrician to come an install / replace a new switch and my car should be up and running again.
Guess what? Dia tak dtg!! Rabu Khamis Jumaat!!! Asyik2 kata ada job lain, sangkut ngan client2 lain tak ingat lama nyer!!! I felt like blowing off to the mechanic, tapi tak sampai hati sebab bukan dia yg salah, tapi auto-electrician tuh, farrrrrrr out...also the Shell mechanic was being very apologetic and accountable towards making sure my car will be fixed as soon as possible, and admitting that "a simple job has turned into a one that's taking bloody forever" in his words. Ah, he treats his clients well.
Notwithstanding, I still ended up having to take 4 hour trips to and from work, which accumulates 20 hours a week...how's that for destroying productivity guys? Sure, not gonna complain too much when you compare commuting in Malaysia (jam-packed) or the ones in China (super-duper-sardine-packed) but still, really wish i could have my car back. Cepat lah siap, aku janji akan jaga keta aku baik2 from now on...duit habis skit pun takpele, janji boleh gi keje...bukan boleh bawak kubo pun pitis2 nih..
On the bright side, weekend!!!! Singgah city makan kurma daging berlaukkan nasi (literally) kat Abra Kebab Wintergarden. Lapar lagi, so melantak chips Red Rooster. Dahaga, so pekena Taro Milk besor kat Myer. Ingat nak beli Krispy Kreme, tapi tetiba rasa jemu lak mulut membayangkan donut2 berkalori tingginya. Line pun panjang gila, despite just recently opening a new kiosk in Myer Centre.
Spent 30 mins terhegeh2 mencari bas 412, bukan dulu kat Casino ke???? Dah la bila aku call Translink operator dia kata kat "Adelaide St, aproaching George St". Cari2, tak jumpa. Call sepam lagi, answering machine lak jawab "George St, approaching Adelaide St". What!??!?! Call my housemate, dia lak kata, "kat Casino". Pun tak jumpa. Teringat lak member aku sorang kata dekat depan Pub Irish tuh (O'Brien?? O'Malley's?? O'Reilly's??). Takde gak..Menapak lak ke belah Conrad Hotel, pun takde..pancit kaki aku berjalan by now tahap nak menyumpah2 dah, last2 jln balik ke Adelaide St, kat corner of George St by chance...tiba2 ternampak Bas 412!!! Lariiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohooo!! Nightmare has ended, I'm free! Sejuk gila kat luar tuh!! Lega dapat lepak dlm bas balik.
Turns out the bus stop was set such that the bus would be heading towards the city (previously the stop was set so it heads away from the city, time dia depan JB HiFi dulu.) Because of that, I retained the same assumption and didn't bother looking for buses facing the opposite direction. Alhamdulillah.
Esok friendly lawan Brunei. Cayalah!! Can't wait!! What a cracking game we're having tomorrow!! Good night.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
On form again?
Sakit2 badan hilang - check
Kurangnya perasaan berat yg menghantui seluruh badan - check
Recovering my concentration back at work - check
Ladies and gentlemen, I reckon I'm back in business..
Aku rindu keretaku!!!!!!
Kena naik 1 bas, 2 train dan jalan kaki 20 minit!!!!!
That's 2 hours going and 2 hours returning.....Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What inefficiency, what a waste of valuable time. Nak tido dlm tren pun takleh takut terlepas station....
While this is not too bad compared to public transport back home, 4 wasted hours still bites you in the neck. Hampeh....
I need my car back, I need my car back, I need my car back, I need my car back....
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Beware: This entry drains reader's energy levels! Proceed at your own risk..
Ahad - Masuk comp bola, lari sampai pancit tapi team tak lepas, draw semua game! Ah, where are the destroyers when you need them...
Isnin - Recovering, I swear I must've spent 30 mins on actual work and the other 7.5 hours just checking blogs, walking around, reading papers, reading football tactics / news / tips.
Selasa - Recovering lagi!!!!! What is going on??? I must be going through a form slump. Dua tiga menjak nih malas nak buat sebarang benda.. Only thing I can think of doing in the morning is sleep sleep sleep, padahal dah lebih 8 jam tuh. That's bad.
Maybe I lack exercise. Maybe I'm not eating enough. Maybe I'm eating too much. Maybe I sleep too late. Maybe I sleep too much. Crap, could be anything...
Didn't help that I've been sleeping late for the last few days, alasan sebab melayan member baikku dari Cloncurry. Huh, dan dan jek, stop hiding behind excuses and have a real crack at improving your life. While you're thinking about that, remember to wash the dishes, lipat your clothes, iron your shirt, cuci siling bilik air sebelum Priscilla the Devil comes again, organise team registration, get your car fixed, don't eat so much outside, read the newspapers more often, jangan tinggal sembahyang, ngaji selalu, gi gym, study your CA module, get those company accounts organised and as an added bonus....get brochures to scrutinise before mum comes on sunday. Oh yeah, call someone to hire a car to pick her up maybe.
Fuh, leganya dapat melepaskan. Probably explains why my mind feels jumbled up for the last few days. And why my body has been functioning to that of an elderly person.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! Great Joke from Facebook!!!
Papehal pun, si Muiz penah hantar kuiz kat aku titled, "What sort of Football Player are you?"
This is the result! (WTF???? Hahahahaha!!! FACEBOOK'S A JOKE!!!)
Flattering? Definitely, Messi tuh mmg la dribbler favourite aku, tak terkalah. But I thought I would get some Defender / Defensive Mid's name, purely based on the answers I chose for the questions (i.ke I chose the sensible answers rather than the wacky ones). Sekali dapat nih lak, malas nak pk banyak2 sgt, kang jadi Mat Jenin lak.
Would be interesting to know other people's results though. One of my good friends normally plays in defense, but he ended up getting Drogba!! Hahahaha!! Alright everyone take care eh?
1) Toilet
2) Sembahyang
Time lain senyap jek phone, pelik pelik
Azman - rakan Kelantanku dari Cloncurry
One of my final chains of link that connects me to my past. Sekarang yg tinggal banyak budak2 baru, pun best gak since they've got those youthful characters which always keeps me emotionally healthy. Tapi seronokla kalau member2 lama ada lagi, maklumlah ada kaki nak melaksanakan certain activities.
Anyway, keep that short before I start going off the rails. Man, you rock!!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Still lapar, so singgah kedai kebab beli kebab plate. Should be okay i think, kenyang pun kenyang, sihat pun sihat.
Aku menerima surat cinta daripada property manager aku, banyak gila comment pasal kebersihan rumah! (Weih, before semua org start meleter aku pasal kebersihan I'm gonna defend myself first...aku selalu vakum rumah!! Kalau time on-form tuh siap cuci dinding bilik air lagi!!)
Heheh, it triggers bad memories of the past time Campus Lodge dulu. Warden tegas nak mampus, org dah vakum rumah, and siap lap debu2 kat ceruk bilik lagi, dia still boleh comment "Your house is Unhygienically Unacceptable". What, you're inferring my house as a fly dump??? It is true that the cleanliness level left much to be desired (baca old post) but sekali tu je. Cuci macamana pun dia still tak puas hati gak, last2 panggil professional cleaner. Pas tu bukan ada beza pun!!!! Org dah kata old stain, old stain lah, takleh tanggal nak buat camana, letak clorox kang hancur lantai, so scrub sabun biasa je le... Grrrrrrr....
Dulu George, sekarang Priscilla pulak (one of my friends will remember "Fiona" when he reads this hehehe). Macam2, oh well, better start cleaning up this weekend them. Grrrr, "Unhygienically Unacceptable", my foot!!!!
Selamat malam rakan2.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Ibuku datang
Right, on a more serious note now..
Apparently my mum dah siap packing dah sekarang rempah-ratus, dvd dsb. Wow, semangatnya! Padahal kalau aku balik, the day before baru la aku nak cari suitcase / passport / wallet. To say she's fired up for her 1 week trip Down Under is an understatement. She's been asking me on how to spend her time there, and I keep saying "Yes, mum, I'll get that organised" (calm and unemotional tone) which normally means "I have got absolutely no idea, and I hope that on the day you arrive I'll magically be enlightened with a tour guide's knowledge."
Anak jenis apakah aku ini? Kena sumpah jadi batu nanti baru tau
So, I drafted up a list of places to go...
1. Glasshouse Mountains - She likes walking / views / plants. She also likes asking what's this and that. If I don't know, she'll even ask the inevitable bonus question, "Habih tu, apa kamu buat kat Brisbane selama ni Bang?" Errgghhh....
2. Museums - Likes culture. Problem is, I am devastatingly clueless about culture and if she spots this ignorance, someone's gonna get grilled (And it's not Nando's chicken!)
3. Gold Coast / Sunshine Coast?? Don't know if she's really into seas, but I might get away with this one. Ajak picnic ke, ambik banyak2 gambar ke
4. Toowomba - City of Gardens, enough said. I hope the drought doesn't spoil it.
5. Mt Cootha - Views and drinks, show Brissie at night...Boleh kot
6. Markets?? (Eumundi / Carrara / Rocklea ???) Does she like it? I don't know...Do mothers like markets??
7. DFO?? Definitely not, Malaysia 100x cheaper
8. Australia Zoo? Hey hey hey, now we're talking!!!
That's all for now. Is that it? 8 Ideas?? That sucks. I've been in Brissie for 8 years, this should've been schoolboy stuff ay?? But then she's only here for a week, so that might be enough. Anyone have any ideas?. I just wanna make sure mum enjoys her trip here, because she rocks!!! Happy mother's day, love you mum.
Weekend ku yg sihat
Sabtu pagi: Swimming, saja kuatkan ankle ngan shoulder, lama tak gi, best tul the feeling of water given dah lama tak gi sana. Pancit gila, padahal sorang mamat aussie nih rilek je buat banyak2 lap walaupun speed berenan dia slow jek. Huh, kena improve.
Sabtu ptg: Bola training! Yahoo!! Biasaa aku malas nak gi training2 nih, tapi sebab yg nih sama member jadi best. Practice crossing a bit, and then training defence vs attack. Disudahi ngan main ptg2. Budak2 turun awal, cayalah korang, you guys rock!! Pancit lagi, so that's the end of the day.
Ahad pg: Tido weekend, bangun kol 11. Layan some old Clint Eastwood movie smlm, tu yg terbabas tido kol 4 tuh.. Sia-sia.
Ahad ptg: Bola lagi, hooray!!! Training ngan team Man lak, dia nyer company hantar team bola for some sports carnival, tak cukup org so import la aku, Abu ngan Man. Bagus gak main dgn diorang best. Last week tak kenal sapa kekok sikit. This week dah start figure out passing / running habits diorang, jadi senang skit ah...penat lagi tak habis2 skang, pekena Gatorade sebotol pun tak puas lagi.. malam ni lak ada bola..bugger!!! Mestikah match dibuat pada waktu tgh mlm? Camana nak keje sok nih? Oh well, bad luck..
Enjoy your life guys, I sure am at the moment :)
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Dua tiga menjak ni mailbox aku asyik dihantam oleh jemputan kawin, from my own schoolmates! My schoolmates!! Pergh, tak sangkanya semua org dah besar tiba2, berkerjaya dan kini sudah berumahtangga. Huh, congrats banyak2 aku ucapkan kat korang semua, moga2 we can still keep in touch once in a while. Marriage is always a big big big gigantic thing, it involves lots of effort, compromise and sacrifices so korang2 yg telah membuat decision sebegini, I have to admit it is an achievement by itself and harap2 boleh berkekalan sepanjang hayat.
Member2 lama aku - Jaka, Manan, Aish, Abby, Shahril, Piyang, Gundat, Hakim, Poyo, Makro, Kicap, Joe, Tem, Zultek, Boks, sapa lagi eh? Tu je kot, sori kalau tak ingat yg lain2.
Sometimes it's hard to believe how time flew. Cam baru semalam jek rasa kat STAR dulu.
First day orientation, nangis bila kena tinggal parents, nangis lagi sebab tak hafal lagu sekolah, nangis sebab kena ragging ngan senior, in fact time telefon pun nak nangis lagi, sebab phone operator tak kasi buat reverse charge!!!!! That was pathetic, pk2 balik.
Mmg betul la budak2 asrama nyer bond kuat gila. Mana taknya, makan sama2, main sama2, tido sama2, kena ragging sama2. Batch aku ada le 100 org je kot, mmg sekor2 tahu ah kelibat masing2, rapat tak rapat. Biasala kalau dah selalu sgt mengadap muka2 sama for 5 years, mesti ada pergaduhan2 bangang pasal isu2 remeh punya, adat berkawan katakan. But in the end, the comradeship has been cemented and until now we still make time to hang out with each other. Mesti ada makan, mesti ada bola, mesti ada lawak2 bahan org nyer, ingredients for a great night out. Bebudak nih kalau nak ngutuk org, nak malukan orang ya allah, semua jenis idea keluar. Mmg konfirm berdekah2 dibuatnya. Kadang2 teringat benda2 cam tuh, mesti tergelak sorang2 nyer pas tu kena rendered ngan member, panggil aku org gila..hehehe
That was then. After that, aku fly Brissie and lama sgt tak contact diorang. Serious I miss those guys heaps. Odd, considering I don't talk that much anyway during gatherings but it's only because just seeing them in good health and smiling is enough to keep me happy inside. Also, it's because I must've spent most of the time laughing like a hyena everytime they start to come up with those tall crazy stories, latest gossips about teachers (mesti ada nyer!!) and sesi membahan member / cikgu / senior. Macam sial..
Tau2 jek, dah dkt 8 tahun dah kitorang dah tinggal sekolah. Heaps happened to them. Ada yg jadi doktor, jadi loyar, jadi engineer, jadi akauntan (me!), buat Master, buat Business etc. Tau2 jek, budak2 dah start berwalimatulurusan. Situ kenduri, sini kenduri, satu pun aku tak gi...abih tu, dah aku tersesat kat sini, buat camana..sorry guys, nanti aku lawat la family korang insyaallah...kalau korang ada anak lelaki sound, nanti aku carikan dia but bola sepasang :)
And not to forget, my uni friends as well..si Luqzan, Farid, Aishah, Kimah, Suria and Adnan. There's also Haris + Kenadd, Tupax + Shikin, Man + Nisa, Bijan + Nurul, Amar, that's most of us already, who's next? Got a few couples in mind right now, heh...kalau jadi then alhamdulillah..Mintak2 dicucuri rahmat jugak seadanya.
Whatever happens now, remember this: We may be busy with our own lives and not contact each other as much, but I will always look after you guys' backs. This is a promise. Trust me.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Hari yang gila
Pagi tadi sakit perut nak mampus!! Bangun2 jek terus lari pegi toilet. Mesti semalam nyer makan nih, my housemate's girlfriend ajak kitorang kat makan rumah dia, layan Mi Kari siut..pergghhhh!!! Mantap dan layan. Benda tuh dah perfect dah, aku jek ngada nak letak sambal banyak2 kasi berasap kepala. Ambik kau, senak seharian hari ni, but it was worth it! Sedaaaaaapppp...
Dah la mimpi ngeri. Know what happened? I was in this court playing netball with girls against some other team. Tak tau apasal, aku asyik buat mistake jek manjang. Pass out lah, kena intercept lah, salah baling lah. Last2 kena marah tahap tak ingat nyer ngan Denise + Hajar (apahaaal la korang dua tiba2 ada ni). Terjaga aku, for a moment aku boleh takut nak tido balik....Hahahahaha, that's funny.
Also had a full day at work. End of month accounts reconciliation, evil EY auditors coming to check our books for mid-year review. Letih, balik rumah straight terjelepuk atas katil. Makan goat chop ngan mashed potato, huh housemate aku nih boleh tahan skill masak dia. Senang hidup..